Amazing Grace

5 months ago

“Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind but now I see…”

Sung an estimated 10 million times each year, "Amazing Grace" was born not of American Black spirituals as some believe, but across the Atlantic, in the tiny English market town of Olney, some 60 miles north of London, with lyrics older than the Declaration of Independence.

John Newton, a slave trader who eventually became a minister, penned the famous words of "Amazing Grace" for a sermon for his 1773 New Year's service at the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul.

“Amazing Grace” was a partial reflection of John Newton’s own self-perception at the time and his ultimate transformation into a man of faith.

Near the end of his life, Newton worked to help abolish the slave trade in England.

Forgiveness and redemption are possible, may humanity finally wake up and see…

Laura Aboli

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