老人 GRUMPY OLD MEN!!! The Rising Sun 🇯🇵 vs Sundowning👴 [The Laughing Daiymo]

2 months ago

On this stream Daiymo goes to war with EarJuice and King of POL, two old bitter middle age men.
First Daiymo calls to confront EarJuice, who's low energy as ever. EarJuice rebuffs Daiymo by saying Ralph brought Daiymo on the Killstream *only* a few times, as if not being the Gator replacemen is something to be shamful of. Then EarJuice brings out the big guns and says "why do you care? Move on" right before he starts talking about someone as irrelevant and boring as Cog. Then Mandy gets brought up and the coping and deflection goes into overdrive.
Then Daiymo calls KoP. As soon as KoP answers the call he starts going on a moralizing soliloquy about Daiymo's association with DJ Axle. KoP then scurries away at the mention of GamerGate. Not satisfied with this Daiymo calls back again and again, KoP responds by saying "I don't talk to weird pedophiles", 42:40 then not even 5 minutes later says he'll join in a minute.
Daiymo then calls Gahoole and gives an impassioned speech about KoP taking away Donkey Kong, and that being apathetic and aloof to everything is bad. After which they talk a little about movies.
After saying they won't talk to weird pedophiles and finishing their very important game of Smite, KoP comes back on. Daiymo then leaves the stream while KoP gives their soliloquy. Daiymo takes this conversation very seriously because KoP is a very serious man and not just a complete clown.
After KoP leaves DJ Axle joins. Axle brings up the point that these people virtue signal about these things to show group loyalty.
This gets interrupted by Grossly Offensive calling in (after they said they wouldn't). Like EarJuice Grossly drones on in an extreamly mindnumbing fascion, only difference being that they're more unpolite and have the cadence of someone who's extreamly upset. Daiymo calls out this lead balloon behaviour.
Axle rejoins and points out that these people are hypocrites, going out of their way to call everyone pedophiles while themselves being terrified of being outed as such. After chatting for a while Daiymo lets Axle leave.
Right after Gahoole joins again, then Bells of Nevermore, then Axle again. Bells talks about their crafts/cosplay plans and then Axle asks her about the taste of urine. A while later some beligirant drunk called Rza Bast joins. Rza does nothing but insult and belittle everyone in the call, honestly they sound exactly like the type of person DNSL would troll on Second Life.
Daiymo realizes this is turning into a Discord VC and abruptly ends the stream.

Original upload date: 17th September 2022
[老人 GRUMPY OLD MEN!!! The Rising Sun 🇯🇵 vs Sundowning👴 [viSrTBlfQ9M].mp4]

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