Threat To American Freedoms?

10 months ago

👉 House Speaker Mike Johnson introduced new immigration legislation this last week. But, details haven’t been released to the public.


Protecting our civil liberties is crucial, and this new immigration law “could” threaten to invade our privacy and erode our rights!

😱 Imagine a world where the government demands your fingerprints, iris scans, or even facial recognition just to prove your citizenship!

This is NOT fiction, it’s a real concern! 🤯

According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), biometric data collection raises serious privacy issues and could lead to mass surveillance. 🕵️‍♂️

Moreover, studies from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) show that biometric databases are prone to abuse and hacking, putting our personal information at risk! 🛑

Then there’s a study by Carnegie Mellon University found a way to trick facial recognition software. That means your unique identity could be stolen!

The bottom line is that we cannot allow authoritarians to use illegal immigration as a lever to grab even MORE control over U.S. citizens than they already have.

Every one of us must stand against the infringement of basic liberties.

We cannot allow government officials to use manipulative scare tactics to push us into bad decisions.

Be wise. Don’t support Mike Johnson’s legislation until you KNOW the devil in the details.

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