Increase in dengue cases in the EU

5 months ago

Augmentation des cas de dengue dans l'UE
Touche de plus en plus de Quatar-Gates,Russia-Gates et China-Gates.
Visitez l'Europe tant qu'il est encore temps !
Macron: Don't be dependent on the USAMacron said that Europe must be able to enter into a dialog with third countries and show that it is not a "vassal" of the USA. Economically, the old continent was in danger of falling behind in the international context and needed to rethink its growth model.The then newly elected president had already outlined an ambitious vision for a sovereign Europe at the Sorbonne University in 2017, which caused quite a stir. At the time, Macron had spoken out in particular in favor of stronger EU sovereignty and a common defence policy. The coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine have given these demands unprecedented topicality, but this speech was explicitly not intended to be an election campaign speech ahead of the European elections, according to the Élysée Palace. According to opinion pollsters, Macron's camp is currently lagging far behind the right-wing populist Rassemblement National, which is polling at around 30 percent. Macron's list, on the other hand, is only polling between 16 and 19 percent, and lead candidate Valerie Hayer is largely unknown to the public.Carolin Dylla, ARD Paris,
"Power, prosperity, humanity": Macron's Sorbonne II speech
Status: 25.04.2024

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