Fiendish YouTube Comments - Ricky Schroder Complaining, Death Wishes, Malevolence

10 months ago

More ditzy, ninny based comments on various platforms about those who don't follow mainstream and whatnot. A death wish, death threats, mock celebration and the like. So some washed up actor from a hit television show from over 40 years ago is whatever this and whatever that due to his dissent and whatnot. Shill plants like this are truly some of the worst out there and just give more reason to be defiant and uncaring. Not to mention those old shows were ahead of their time including where Ricky and his dad get sued and Ox says he likes taking others' money with Ricky retorting that Ox would have a great career in politics as that's all those politicians and bureaucrats do is steal, lie, cheat and more. Various dissenters on anything are seen as lower class, scum and whatnot but just gives more reason to be uncompromising and basically the mainstream establishment to get bent and fuck off which is why they have to use threats of coercion and submission to get people to go along with things. They want a submissive populace and they don't care despite the lame excuse from idealistic sheep with their 10,000 pairs of rose colored glasses. Much, much more could be said. Agony.

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Different fake mask items and more at the following link. Maskholes and Mask Nazis still exist throughout:

The bilge, agony, anguish and more is grim and horrifying, much more can be said, so much, so much:

Disclaimer: As said before, another lost, nihilist soul ranting their worthless views, opinions, commentary and whatnot on a truly free platform and such. So much can be said. Wish we all could be paid thousands to spout our worthless opinions on primetime television. I may be eligible from the following recommendations.

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