The best answer to "Are you an Antivaxxer?"

5 months ago

Clip with subtitles with Forrest Maready, author of “The Moth in the Iron Lung”, with Bret Weinstein, host of the DarkHose Podcast. April 20th. Full interview:

Bret Weinstein: Are you an anti-Vaxxer? Were you always one, if you are one now? And if not, how did you become one?

Forrest Maready: Yeah, I can, you're not offending me, I can answer that question easily. I'm afraid of offending you with the answer. But given that we're both adults here and separated by 1000s of miles, I'll go ahead and tell you the truth.

Bret Weinstein: You'd be safe. Even if you were sitting in that same room, I promise.

Forrest Maready: It's like they say, never criticize a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes. That way, you're a mile away. And also you have his shoes.
I started with a complete belief that vaccines were the most important medical discovery of all time, more than antibiotics, more than surgery, the two others you mentioned. I was as convinced as anyone was.
I slowly made the descent into madness, to where you now find me. The journey, I'll sum it up in 60 seconds. The journey was: well, maybe the polio vaccine actually wasn't as necessary as we thought, maybe we could have solved a problem with doing away with rampant pesticide use. I got to: well, actually, the polio vaccine was completely unnecessary, but the others are necessary. The others, these diseases were horrible. Through additional research understanding that the measles infection was an innocuous infection that no one ever died from, with proper levels of nutrition, Vitamin A in particular. I started to think well, why was the measles vaccine invented? No one was dying of it, in the United States.
It wasn't a rampant terrible disease. Why did they do it? Well, it was because they could. It was because they thought they could eradicate the disease with a vaccine. And if you study measles, you will understand it started with the promise of eradication, you know, everyone gets the vaccine within two or three years, it'll be eradicated. And, and on and on it goes, till the point it's not eradicated.
So I transitioned into the: well, maybe there are some vaccines that are useful and others that really you don't need. I then made the jump to what I call a "first world anti-Vaxxer", which is: well, we need vaccines in the third world, they don't have the medical care and nutrition that we might have here. So sure, maybe a couple of hippies in California can afford to skip it. But if everyone skipped it, and then especially in the third world, no, you know, we have to do that, we will lose herd immunity.
I then realized herd immunity was a falsity in the case of several vaccines. And I'm beginning to wonder if it's completely false for all vaccines. You will know this certainly with all the COVID vaccine research you've done, the notion of herd immunity is false for the COVID vaccine. It doesn't prevent its spread.
Several other vaccines are certainly incapable of preventing its spread. And some of them, in fact, encourage its spread such as the oral polio vaccine that Bill Gates administers in mass all across countries throughout the world. So I am now at the point, I apologize, dear friend, I'm at the point where I believe vaccines are completely unnecessary. Even in the third world, I'm sure you've heard Bobby Kennedy mention the Dr. Peter Aaby study in Africa where they followed a large cohort of children who had gotten the DTaP vaccine and those who hadn't and the mortality rate of those who had gotten the vaccine was 10 times higher...

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