They are mass importing immigrants and feeding on their children

2 months ago

I have my issues with the Nazis at GTVflyers com. I believe Nazis were nothing but tools used by the bankers to slaughter a 1/4 of europe, destroy it, establish UN and other global organizations and Mainly the european suffered because of the nazi's and the al-lies. They play both sides always.
With that said, ive check the names on these flyers and whatever i checked came back positive thus give credit where its due but they need to get off nazi's socialism bullshit's dick. We were always great and didn't need socialism , communism, capitalism and other isms made by the fuken jews.

These satanic jews are mass importing criminals and many ignorant desperate people and having their ways with them once they get here, if not in mercy of cartels, they are in mercy of the government and we all know what government and cartels do when you don't comply.
Abortions as well is another means to feed these cannibals, if not feed on the parts they sell them for big profits. These parasites are simply cancerous to entire earth.

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