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Clif High - Phi
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Clif High - Phi
No Fee, and No Fum!
Hello, human.
Hello, humans.
It's in the afternoon here.
Long damn day.
Got all my chores done and heading back out to the coast, outbound.
Anyway, wanted to natter on about halts in time.
So we find from
various people like Nikola Tesla, even Aristotle, that vibration is a key.
Tesla was really into vibration,
and he kept alluding to it as if you knew the secret of three,
and nine,
you'd have all the secrets of the universe,
And he said that everything was frequency, which it is.
So basically,
I've had to do a lot of frequency work,
studying mathematics on ultra-frequency,
ultra-high frequencies,
this kind of thing,
because our old farts group is mostly busted up by the Russians at the moment.
Everybody was kicked out of country and is out...
waiting some kind of resolution for their status to get back in.
Or a couple of them have just said,
screw it,
it's not going to happen in a couple of years,
so they're going off to other places.
So one of the guys has gone off to settle in Turkey over near the Gobekli Tepli dig.
So we'll get some information that way.
But nonetheless, our usual meetings are all disrupted.
Haven't had those for
Geez, almost a year.
And it's just gotten to the point where we can't convene because of the circumstances.
And so we're all off doing other things.
And so I decided to mess about with thinking into the pulse and its interaction
with our manifestations here as matter.
And so basically it works this way.
The pulse itself is from whence we derive sacred geometry.
So there's a pulse.
It hits us 22 trillion times a second and 22 trillion times a second.
There is a pause, but the pause has no duration.
It has no time involved.
So the pulse is time.
All right.
What we think of as time,
here in the materium is basically,
an after effect or a,
a hangover of the,
pulse itself.
so duration and all of the,
active properties of time that,
Cozy Rev had identified,
back when,
in the,
are all artifacts of the pulse itself.
The pulse is time.
And it goes 22 trillion times a second, and there's 22 trillion times a second of a pause.
But here's the thing.
Within the pulse itself is the mechanism by which sacred geometry arrives here in the material.
Okay, and that's all the platonic solids, you know,
golden ratio, golden mean, all of that, right?
So what happens is that the pulse creates all of matter and then the void destroys all of matter.
It's not really that the void destroys it,
it's that the secondary,
we'll call it secondary,
but one of the functions of the pulse that we can identify
that is different than the other function of the pulse is to destroy matter.
And so matter is created and destroyed 22 trillion times a second.
And the pause does not destroy the matter.
What actually happens is the pulse itself creates and destroys, okay?
So the pulse itself creates matter and
And then it destroys it such that we can have movement.
Without this, you wouldn't have movement within our reality.
So if you go and look at movies and cartoons and stuff,
you see that really it's a bunch of separate images that are spun very fast
together to give the illusion of movement.
And in between each of the images, the
There are things that change within the image,
and we're not participatory of that because there's that gap in the image,
where it's not actually that image.
It's the previous one, or it's going to be the next one.
So this is the way our reality works as well, is that the pulse creates reality and destroys it.
We get movement out of that,
and we get motion,
and we get all the forms of force,
and vibration that are in the materium,
come from that uh 120 to 120 second of a trillionth of a second uh pulse when this
pulse comes in it actually comes in as phi okay as the the ratio the the the golden
ratio the um
The sacred ratio of phi.
So that is expressed mathematically as A is to B as A plus B is to A. All right.
And so it's a relationship.
It's a ratio.
we can, we can render that ratio as a number.
And if you divide for angles,
if you want to get an angle,
golden ratio angle,
you end up coming up with a mathematical or yeah,
a numeric approximation of 76.345.
And then it goes on and on and on, right?
Uh, or it's, um, uh, if you want to just look at the ratio as the
The difference between the A and the B part, that comes down to 0.618305599, I think.
And then it goes on, right?
So we can get it.
We can derive a mathematical approximation for phi.
But the phi itself is really the ratio, okay?
And so you can find this ratio in anything.
And so it's not dependent on the numerics.
But so you can get fee ratios and we see it in,
it's what causes spiraling,
you know,
for all the seashells,
all of that.
It's what causes all the vortexes in reality, causes tornadoes.
Tornadoes are a fee relationship with the energy involved.
Same thing with whirlpools.
You see it expressed in water falling from waterfalls.
What's his name?
the German implosion scientist,
discovered phi naturally expressed in water as you tumble it out of a beaker.
He found it in water continuously and constantly.
And we see that ratio even within the things that live in water.
You can find it not only in seashells, but, you know, spiral seashell kind of things.
But we see it in the ratio of, you know, the bones to the larger mass of the fish, that kind of thing.
It is just everywhere.
phi is expressed in your body.
There are phi relationships between your heart and the rest of your circulatory
system within your heart and itself and so on and so on and so on,
We just keep seeing it.
So now the phi relationship occurs because the first part of the pulse causes what
I am calling primary magnetism to pop back into existence.
And that is where all the matter comes back in and goes boink and it's all right there.
when it destroys us,
when it destroys all matter,
when the pulse in that 122 trillionth of a second,
it does both of these.
It creates matter and destroys it.
And the amount of time and the amount of energy in both of those activities is the phi relationship.
Okay, so it'll have a part, the a part of the relationship of phi
is the creation of matter,
and the B part is that part of primary magnetism that is involved in the
destruction of matter.
So the magnetism that's primary magnetism that gloms all the molecules together,
pulls them all together,
and then there's another part of that primary magnetism that blows them all apart.
They become...
Repulsive to each other right and it just instantly disintegrates All matter and so
in our brains this shit's happening so fast.
We're not aware of the voids We're not aware of the pauses of the pulse We're just
aware of the of the after effect of the pulse in the form of time and energy So all
energy within the materium comes from this pulse as a residual effect an after
effect and
within the materium itself.
And this is where it gets really, really hinky trying to describe shit, right?
Because the pulse destroys matter,
but it's already,
insofar as our brains can conceive,
it's already recreated that matter even as it has destroyed it.
And there is this after effect that exists from each of those discrete points in
the activity of the pulse.
And that after effect is us being in the materium
aware, conscious, etc., and able to deal with these after effects in the form of energy.
And we'll see that the phi relationship is all throughout energy.
you know,
any kind of gravitational forces,
you know,
they even find it repeatedly within the
strong and the weak forces in terms of their relationships to each other within the
bogus Einsteinian quantum view of reality.
And so this fee relationship exists at this fundamental core level of the material.
There is no
Other than consciousness itself,
other than God,
if you want to call it that,
other than consciousness and universe itself,
there is no deeper,
no more primary,
no more fundamental aspect of our reality than the pulse.
So the pulse is our reality.
And it's also our own cognition.
It provides us with the energy in our bodies.
And it just goes on and on and on.
it's really interesting for me to think about this because there's all kinds of
practical applications of it.
Just knowing that this few relationship exists, for instance, as a martial artist can help you out.
Because you know that when the person is doing,
you know,
is responding to you or is attacking you or whatever,
you know that they are involved in the fee relationship,
even if they are not aware of it.
And so their attack might be the A part of the fee relationship.
And you'll know that they'll have to go into a slight pause,
which would be the B part of the relationship.
just as they're going into that part of the fee relationship that is the B component, so to speak.
This gets really tricky, but there's all different kinds of uses for it.
Musicians would use it.
Scientists, if they were aware of it, could use it in planning, experimentation, and so on and so on.
Astrologers could use it because it is fundamental to our materium.
We can't get away from it.
It's here constantly.
All of my thoughts, my voice is even composed of view relationships.
And there's nothing we can do.
We could not exist without them,
nor could we create a situation in which the view relationship,
the sacred geometry kind of stuff,
does not manifest,
because it all comes out through the pulse.
So, knowing this, having this viewpoint of how reality...
Decides to manifest itself and create itself you could harmonize with this and use
these things to your benefit Which I've done is you know repeatedly throughout my
life continuously every time I get I Get like bonus effects it's all because I've
been planning on and dealing with These the fee effect within the sacred geometry
and using it
you know, designing explicitly for it sometimes and that kind of thing.
It's very valuable to understand the relationship of all of the forces in universe and where they derive.
And you can even then use this knowledge to amplify the forces on your behalf,
such as the key generation force in Aikido or Aiki Jiu-Jitsu,
that kind of thing,
Or even Zen meditations.
so for instance,
your pulse in your body is an aftermath of,
it's an effect of the pulse that creates reality.
As such, your pulse has fee relationships within it.
diastolic to histolic,
relationship at any given moment will be expressing,
pretty much continuously.
This golden ratio stuff is, um,
very valuable and to know and provide you with a level of solidity that you don't
get otherwise when you're designing and dealing with matter.
So if I were dealing with matter, I always want to take advantage of the fee relationship.
It's also harmonious.
It, you know, promotes the feng shui in your house.
If you have these relationships expressed within your structure and that kind of thing.
You'll find these,
if you really want to go in and measure,
everywhere and get really precise at it,
you'll find that you will keep coming closer and closer to fee relationships,
wherever you look.
So you can on most,
it's probably not possible to not discover it,
but for instance,
in eggs,
you know,
the ratio of the diameter of the egg,
at its widest as opposed to the depth of the egg at its tall,
tallest point will be a fee relationship.
So you can get a set of micrometers and start measuring eggs and drive people crazy.
Um, uh, you know, so anyway, anyway, so you'll see it around you all the time.
If you do design with it and use it,
you'll be a lot more successful than if you ignore it and just sort of bumble along.
Now, um,
The fee relationship relative to time is subtle, discrete and distinct and difficult to elucidate.
All right.
So Kozyrev discovered, quantified, elucidated and illuminated the active principles of time.
And he did these without getting into the pulse or the fee relationship that causes
these active principles to exist.
And so this is where it gets really, really tricky.
Time is not homogenous, okay?
Time is not...
uniformly, um, consistent nor continuous.
so the pulse itself,
leaves time residue within the materium that is expressive of the fee relationship
and has within it,
within the lowercase T time,
small letters time in our materium and has,
Let's call it soft spots.
so so time is it has active properties and these active properties can be
manipulated and you can cause things to occur relative to time and time.
talking about time in the lower case,
time in the materium,
you can do things within the materium to affect and either add time or remove time
from a process or from an unfolding of something,
So there are things you can do to actually affect the amount of time that is affecting something.
whatever it might be.
Now, we cannot time travel.
I mean, that's horseshit.
and these guys that,
Kerry Cassidy,
you know,
I don't know,
Juan O'Savin,
or Patriot Underground,
or any of these guys that will talk to you about interdimensionals,
And that's a misnomer.
I mean, they really shouldn't.
I get...
pissed at them for using that word because that implies that,
the space aliens are coming from another dimension and putting themselves in our
dimension where we have,
you know,
the three dimensions plus our,
our residual time.
Um, and that's not really what happens.
They're in the same dimension as we are.
They have length and width and height and weight and all of this kind of stuff and in thickness.
And they, um,
They're around here with us.
It's just that they are going through dimensionless travel to get here.
Okay, so they're not really inter-dimensionals.
They're not coming from some other dimension.
They're not in the frequency range or any of that.
What they're doing is removing the issue of the materium from their travels.
And so you have these stupid quantum guys,
all these scientists out there saying,
they're folding space and time.
And bullshit, guys, it has nothing at all to do with that.
That makes it all far too complex.
They are in no way altering the environment here at all.
So that would imply that they're actually folding space around them in order that
they might transmit themselves here in a very,
very fast fashion.
without going through the intervening space.
And that's not what is occurring.
You could think of it that way, but that requires all kinds of energy that these guys are not expending.
So the UFOs don't travel that way.
These people that are labeled as interdimensionals do not deal with armaterium that way.
What they're actually doing is that they understand that there is,
as Nikola Tesla said,
there is a 369 frequency issue,
And what these guys that are
called interdimensionals are actually doing is that they are traveling in the pause.
Okay, so if you know that, so you can think of it this way, these interdimensionals
We're all in movie frames.
They're all moving at the same speed of display.
And what these interdimensional guys are doing is simply moving from one frame in
the movie to another frame in between the frames showing up on the screen.
And in one way to think of it is what they're actually doing is dialing in an address.
And so here I am sitting here in my car heading out to the coast.
And if I wanted to be an interdimensional,
I'd have a little device here and I would dial in an address for some planet around
Alpha Centauri.
And then I would push a go button.
As my finger released that go button,
my address,
my physical key address here in my body or my car,
whatever vehicle I'm using for this would change.
I would change it from, you know, some incredibly long number to some other incredibly long number.
In between the,
in the void,
in between the pulse recreating it,
my number gets changed relative to the materium.
And so when the materium comes to the next pulse,
that next 22 trillionth of a second interval of a pulse,
I am created at that new address, at that new numeric address.
And so you can think of it as though you're swapping IP addresses in between
sending to email messages,
something like that,
Because fundamentally, that's what's going on.
It's all happening at a...
numeric level.
I'm not having to create vast quantities of energy and somehow grab hold of space,
which doesn't really exist,
or grab hold of time,
which is really the artifact of the pulse,
and then twist them in order to get myself closer to Alpha Centauri,
It's not happening that way.
This is, in my opinion,
This is a wrong way to think about it because of the implications and the
assumptions that are inherent in that way of thinking about it that are not valid
about all the energy expenditures and so on.
You just don't do it that way.
You actually, well, I won't go into that, okay?
So we won't go into actually doing it.
It's not really pertinent at the moment.
But when you see these UFOs popping in and out of our reality here,
they're just basically changing their IP address,
so to speak,
their network node for appearance in the Materium to some other number and jumping there.
And they don't really jump.
They just don't exist in between here and there.
So there's no need for them to go scoot,
scoot in every frame to get to the place that they want to go.
They just jump right to that frame.
And when that frame is displayed on the screen, so to speak,
or recreated in the Materium, there they are.
This causes human brains all kinds of problems, all right?
This disassociation of space and time relative to our understanding of our location
really fucks with our heads.
And I'm of the opinion it probably does so for...
For most of the species that end up doing this,
for most of the species that use this form of travel,
I'm of the opinion that they're as equally screwed over by it as humans are.
There will be residual effects on you.
so one of the things that I was always,
it didn't make any difference,
you couldn't do it,
it legally wouldn't have happened,
but Corey Goode could have proven that he had been time traveling and been off
planet with a blood test.
If he'd ever been off planet or had ever time traveled,
there would be residual,
effects that would be able to be assayed out of his blood.
I won't go into those now, but they're, uh, uh, again, a function of the, uh, fee relationship.
Um, holy shit.
That's the biggest excavator I've ever seen.
I'm doing some heavy duty logging here and they're taking this thing off property.
when you see these UFOs popping in,
know that we're going to be getting close to this new understanding,
And so that, you know, some scientist guy will come along, he'll apply a bunch of numbers to it.
They'll come up with a snazzy formula, uh, and, um, some kind of a, a phrase to encapsulate it all.
And then we'll all be talking about ZPT, right?
Or ZPE, zero point energy.
And, um,
And that's the sci-fi world.
We're moving into this world.
We're moving into it fairly rapidly.
It's this sort of thing that provides us with anti-gravity and all kinds of other cool stuff.
This is also hugely powerful.
That's why the Elohim worship cult doesn't want you to have it because then you're
outside their control forever and they can't do anything at all to you.
So bear in mind that if you could shift yourself one, one trillionth of a second,
out of phase with the rest of the materium.
Nobody could shoot you.
They could set off an atom bomb and it wouldn't affect your body nor your mind,
that kind of thing,
You might be able to be affected by incredibly intense fucking around with radar
level radio frequencies in the environment in which you were.
But short of that, there's not going to be a whole lot
in a material sense, in terms of, you know, actual matter.
So bullets wouldn't harm you.
They'd shoot it at you,
and it would just hit this blank gray sort of spot and fall to the ground because
it couldn't proceed further.
It wouldn't harmonize.
It wouldn't have the address for that location out of phase.
It would only have the address for that location in phase with the rest of the halts.
And so if it's out of phase, it would be like,
running into some kind of alternate reality that wouldn't allow the bullet to enter
because it wasn't synced up with its part of the pulse.
Anyway, like I say, we're going to come into this new understanding of this over the rest of this year.
It'll take them, you know, 25 years if we even try and recreate academia.
I expect most of the colleges and universities
universities to collapse here over the rest of this year.
They're going to try and use the Israeli genocide and the protests about it as
their version of BLM,
as the BLM riots of this particular election cycle.
And this isn't going to go over.
We're going to have all kinds of
disruptions within the financial system as all of this stuff's going down.
And one of the points of failure is going to be the university system.
this is really stupid on the part of the communists because they need the
university system to mind control people,
to undermine their understanding of reality.
shift them over to a communist view of reality,
and then promote communism to them and make them energized to go out and do this.
If these universities don't exist, if they all collapse, then there goes communism.
Because communism is driven by the long march through the institutions.
And these guys have only gotten through the education institution into the actual schools.
They got the teachers' colleges.
Then they got into the actual schools here for two generations.
But they need to go four generations in order to get their kind of a communist revolution.
And these, you know, anti-Israel...
genocide things are not going to be energetic enough to cause the communist revolution to occur.
And now it's also going to be really causing problems for the Elohim worship cult
as all of the Jewish culture gets upended.
Okay, so it's not just me saying it.
There's all kinds of people coming out with
more information about the Elohim and the Talmud and the mind games that the Elohim
are playing and all of these kind of things.
And it's really putting pressure on all of this,
as well as the Zionist genocide causing this big backlash.
All of this shit's planned, okay?
So all of this stuff is planned by the Elohim worship cult.
But their problem is that things are at an accelerated pace
ahead of their timing,
and they're going to destroy,
which they knew would happen anyway,
and they were counting on it anyway,
but it's going to happen too early.
They're going to destroy the educational system,
which provides them with a great deal of support in warping these people's minds.
So it's going to be very interesting 25 years here.
Let's see.
Well, 24 more years.
So we're in 24 more years of arising chaos and the settling of chaos and the
building of a new common shared reality consensus.
Anyway, guys, it's going to be really interesting.
Investigating the fee relationships and the energy involved will get you a long way towards understanding
what's going to be emerging in sci-fi world.
As we go forward here over these next few months, you'll see these things start to occur.
You're looking at a 25 plus year process for these to unfold and be integrated into our social order.
As I say, it's going to be quite the energetic period of time.
I'm going to do some real work here now.
So I'll set this aside and post these and get at a couple of more in a week or two, I think.
Aether Pirates of the Matterium!
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