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Prophet Julie Green - Live - Julie With Manuel Johnson - Captions
In today's live show, Manuel Johnson and Julie Green discuss the theme of "glory days, not gloomy days." They share prophecies and their fulfillment, including a major shift in the United States and a significant announcement from the Supreme Court. Manuel also emphasizes the importance of speaking blessings over one's home, neighborhood, and family, and the power of prayer walks in bringing about healing and transformation. Julie and Manuel also encourage unity within the body of Christ and emphasize the need to focus on God's plan in the midst of challenges.
Throughout the discussion, Manuel and Julie express a deep sense of excitement and anticipation for the future, emphasizing the acceleration of God's plans and the release of His glory over the lives of the viewers. They also pray for strength, blessings, and an increase of God's presence and power in the lives of the audience. The conversation is filled with a sense of hope, encouragement, and a strong belief in the power of God to bring about positive change in the lives of believers.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Full Video Transcript:
Good morning, everybody. And welcome again to today's live show. And, and obviously you guys know who I'm with is one of my dearest friends, Manuel Johnson, thank you brother for being on the show today. And I know I saw people in the chat right before we got on and they were saying. These are glory days, not gloomy days.
So they've already started to say these things. That's right. People every day to say, God wins in our chat because I want to remind people that he does, and that I want to remind people who is in control and it's not our enemy. So thank you once again for joining our show today. How are you, sir? Oh, come on, everybody.
These are what glory days and not gloomy days. We've been having such a great time here and you know, with our personal traveling and then with the events that God is having us here in California and just was with one week with Nate in French, very powerful move of God here. Oh my gosh.
I tell you, God is so working behind the scenes. He is so in control. He is so winning. You know, I, and I know we, we want to see what's going on in the political platform, but the Lord is winning souls, saints, winning souls at the end of the day, who is your Lord, not who is your president, but who is your Lord at the end of the day?
And it says, we're seeing so many people where their eyes are being opened. And it's, it's, it's glorious because we speak that word. Thank God for the glory days, the glory weeks, the glory months, and the glory years. And, you know, Julie was Julie and Julie Seem was with us over a year and a half ago, and so the Bethel team was with us.
The prayer team from Bill Johnson, they wanted to see Aimee McPherson and Kathryn Kuhlman. Great. Oh my God. And I was thinking, man, the last time I was here with Julie, you know, I'm running up the hill, Julie's like, good luck with all that.
Yeah, I remember you guys don't understand the, the. energy that Manuel has. This is a extremely steep hill. And I remember like we were just casually walking up it and all of a sudden we didn't see that he's like, Manuel just darting up the hill. So I'm like, Oh yeah, I ain't got time. I can't do that.
Well, anyway, Julie doesn't have to feel bad at all because the The Bethel prayer team, you know, they're, they're youth, they're like in their twenties and I'm dotting up the hill and I'm thinking, come on, come on guy. Come on, you know, young folks, come on. Nobody's moving. They're just trying to get up there.
And I go, wow, this is a special gift. Lord, you know, but anyway, we had a great time and listen, they I just want to make it real Announcement the Bethel team is excited about this year, just as much as you and I. Bill Johnson, they're believing God for major, major shift and change in the United States.
I'm telling you, they're, they are believing the Lord and saints, I'm telling you, we are, and then they were all wearing their glory day hats.
So, they're going back to Bethel this morning and then they're like, Oh, Bill Johnson, look, we got all glory day hats on. So Bill Johnson's like, Oh my gosh. So we, we, we can't wait to see what happens there. But I, everywhere I'm going, just like Julie Green, she's traveling everywhere. I've seen, there's such a hunger and God is putting it in us.
He's putting it in us. We have to be excited saints. And I want to tell you something. You're hearing a lot of noise right now, but God reminded me again, with last 24 hours, Julie, wonderful saints, he says, look,
the enemy screams the loudest when he knows he's on the way out. Okay. So you're going to hear a lot of big noise this year. Okay. You're going to have a lot of big noise from all the media platforms. Okay. When you know, we, you and I know. Right at the Red Sea Pharaoh was screaming the loudest. He didn't have his slave masters He had his military forces all of them But what they didn't realize was when they were at the Red Sea thinking that they were going to devour God's people They didn't realize that they well, they were already disarmed They were already disarmed.
God had already disarmed them. Not one of them touched Moses, not one of them touched Israel, not one of them!
You see, we get baptized, we come out of the water. The enemy get baptized, they stay in the water, okay? Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. Glory to God! And so, I was On Julie Greene's program last month. And I gave a prophecy. Well, that prophecy has been fulfilled. So just get excited. And so God gave me a new download, but, and I know Julie remembers the prophecy.
So what we did is our team edited parts of the prophecy that we gave and the fulfillment, because God wants you to be excited about what he's doing. Okay. He's working from the highest Supreme court, the the lowest supreme Court. He's working in areas to the financial aspect, you know, and we all get different prophecies.
Okay. I didn't ask for God to give me the prophecies that he gives me, but he's giving it to me. And so I'm giving it to you saints. God wants you to know so much. He's speaking to his prophets. He is. And some of the prophecies are like manner because we're in an agreement. I may say something and someone on our live stream will say, wow, that's something Julie green said it, or said something very similar.
Well, that will happen. We call them crossover prophecies. You know, I'm not calling up Julie Green go, "did you just hear from the Lord"? But we hear it through the links that are sent to us and through these live streams and through the chats. So we know, Oh my God. You know, Robin Bullock said this, or Amanda or Julie, but one of the things you have to know about prophecy is that God is speaking to his, he didn't say the a prophet, he said, he's speaking to his prophets,
the servants of God. We call them confirmations. So if you're hearing something similar to what I've heard, it's a confirmation because, you know, we can't watch each other and that's something that people don't realize. When it comes to prophecy, other prophets can't watch other prophecies unless it's confirmation to what they've already heard.
That's right. That's right. Because it will, just like when I started turning off all the prophets a long time ago when I had to and I was so sad about it. All of a sudden the prophecies that the Lord was giving me were more longer, they were detailed, and then they became more frequent. So again, it's confirmation.
When you have all these different prophets, and I was just reading to people this morning in Acts chapter 2, and he said in the last days. Men and are my sons and daughters shall prophesy. And he says it in two different places in Acts chapter two, and he also talks about it because that was a prophecy set in Joel in Joel chapter two.
So again, there's, like you said, prophets and people are prophesying because we're coming into a time where we've never seen before. It's unprecedented and unconventional. And so you have to realize God is going to speak to his prophets in order to get the world's attention that something's going on.
And it's so true. That's good. That's really good. You need prayer today. It sounds like you have I've been preaching a lot, ministering a lot. And so. I don't like, I mean, I'm not into frogs, but I feel, but it's still good. And I love it. Thank you, Julie. So you guys, you just go ahead, you know, I, cause I have a few more services to do this week, a few more events.
So I definitely going to, after the live stream, I'm going to, you know, I'm going to leave the fish tacos alone today and go straight for the lemon and water. And we will pray for you before you get off. Oh, I love it. I love it. Anyway, I sent Julie a clip of the Spoken and Fulfilled Prophecy. So let's roll them.
I think you have to push play. Oh, there it goes. There it goes. Praise the Lord. This is the day that the Lord has made and we are in glory days and not gloomy days. I've came with you with a very powerful word from the Lord. The Lord continues to tell me, speak it. I spoke it in December of 2023 and January of 2024.
Now here it's February of 2024. I'm going to speak it again, that there's going to be a major pushback against the Enemies of God against what's been happening into our nation. A major blow is going to go against the enemies of God. And I said that the Lord said it's going to start from the Supreme Court on down.
God is going to start dealing with the highest Supreme Court of the land. You're going to hear, you're going to hear a favor. You're just going to hear that the, the, the, I don't know how they actually pronounce the judgments, but all I know is that it's going to be a major blow against those that are trying to trouble this nation.
Well, we have some breaking news to get to. The Supreme Court has overturned the Colorado decision to remove former President Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot. The decision holds that only Congress can enforce the 14th Amendment's insurrection clause against federal candidates. Hmm. Five of the justices say only Congress can enforce the insurrection clause and three say Colorado cannot do it alone, but say the majority went too far attempting to quote insulate all alleged insurrectionists from future challenges to holding their federal office.
Yes. Big decision. So nine Oh in the, in the verdict that Trump can and should appear on the ballot, the Colorado went too far. Too far in taking him off on behalf of the entire nation. I assume this means similar efforts in Maine, and it just happened in Illinois, should be Dead on arrival. This is a pretty, pretty clear, unanimous declaration that the people get to vote for Donald Trump if they want.
Then, of course, the reasoning gets a little bit more specific than that. And there actually is disagreement on how far this decision should go if there were to be, in the future people disqualified from from ballots based on the, the the insurrection clause. And so the justices do disagree on that, but they were unanimous that it was wrongly applied to Trump.
Yeah, that's Oh, it's still going. Oh, sorry. Saw the rights of voting all over the United States. I saw Donald Trump's name on the voting ballots all over all the 50 states in America. So Whatever the enemy is trying to do, it's not going to happen. You will hear that they'll make an announcement and it's going to go all over the news, all over the media.
And you also going to see that Bitcoin is going to rise. It is going to go up. It is going to go up like you wouldn't believe.
All right. As evidenced by the snazzy breaking news graphic, we are on Bitcoin record watch Bitcoin. Close to the record about 20 minutes ago. It's just a well now it's below 68, 000 Bitcoin moves around a lot, but it passed 68, 000 for the first time in three years. Bitcoin's record high is 68, 982. So actually right now, we're exactly 1, 000 away from that.
But we were then a couple of hundred points just moments ago. So obviously wouldn't be surprised to see Bitcoin. Was it 16 or 15, 000 like a year and a half, two years ago, break a record tonight or tomorrow joining us now on the CBC news line, AKA the phone is and whatever it is now, it's going to go more.
It's going to double. You're going to see this happen. God's doing a shakening in the currency of the world. I saw a gold triple. I saw a silver triple and I also saw a copper.
Wow. So, you know, I was so excited because we, we played this video last month on Julie Green live stream and you saw it and the whole clip you can go on our manual, you know, But the scenario of it is, and I, the Lord had gave me Julie Green, that the announcement will be made between February and March of 2024.
And the announcement was made in March of 2024, the early part of this month that we're in, about the Supreme Court decision, it will favor Donald Trump. It will favor, and so we're seeing this come to pass. Why would this happen? Why do we see these things happening? Why do you, why is God dealing with the financial situation?
You know, believe me, I've ran from all of this because it's like, Lord, this is not my platform. And so Julie, the Lord said, I'm doing wealth transfers. In different ways. And these were signs, signs. So I'm not telling you to buy this. I'm not a financial advisor. That's not what I'm doing. I'm just saying what the Lord is showing me.
And so we have to. Be there and listen to what God is doing. You must listen. In 2006 and 2007, the Lord had showed me about a crash taking place in 2008. He actually told me how to prepare for it. And I told, I spoke about it and I was shouted down by ministers, nice, good ministers, there won't be this, there won't be that, but because, and I started to.
Well, maybe, maybe this was conditional. I don't know. And I wish I could have backed in like I did now. I said, Lord, anytime you tell me about a financial word, I promise I will never back down, I will speak it. So the mistake I made in 2007 and not speaking it and standing on it, I said, Lord, I won't do that anymore.
If you give me any kind of financial thing that you're doing, I'm going to speak it. Even if I don't understand it, I'm going to speak it. And so we're seeing that and we saw big Bitcoin just rise exactly. The prophecy was given in December, July of 2020. Three the Lord says say it again because my children didn't get it.
They're not and I said, okay Well, I said I'm saying again. He says I'm going to Not use the word. I'm going to anoint certain cryptocurrencies. I have to Julie Greene She's like me everything we see our our our God is giving us is not something that's gonna always be comfortable Speak. Yeah, that's for sure.
Okay. It's not about us being comfortable, you know, everybody wants to get, you know, goosebumps. No, it's, some prophecies are gonna be very uncomfortable. And so, you know, I got a lot of slack for, oh, Bitcoin, I mean, cryptocurrencies of the devil. That's not, I'm sorry. You know, I'm only doing what God told me.
And so we're seeing it.
I'm saying it here. God said, speak it again between June and July of this year. Whoa,
a major, a second blow. The first blow we already heard took place with the sub highest Supreme court, the second blow I saw in the spirit between June and May of this year, and is also going to come from the Supreme court, the second blow
by being in the ring with Mike Tyson. Boom. Where did that come from? So, so I saw that and I'm going to read to you, you know, so the Lord gave me this word and I'm excited about it. Since my children, this is the year and season of praise saints. It's time to get your praise on. It's time to get your praise on seriously.
And the year of shout, shout with the shout of triumph. Seriously, so I'm already in that mode, as you can see my voice. So, you know, I'm, I'm really, I'm like, I'm doing the overkill now, but I'm just saying, I'm already in a shouting mode. And so the Lord starts to deal with me. He says, the year of triumphs.
The year of praying, decreeing and declaring those things that be not as though they were. Wow. And as the Lord showed me this, she was wonderful. Saints Julie, I saw angels, angels. This is the word I heard on assignment. Oh my God. Sent on assignment. These angels were sent on assignment all over the United States and parts of the world.
So don't worry those that are watching right now from different parts of the country. Angels are being sent on assignment. So this was so awesome what I saw. I saw many of the churches and many of the children of God getting healed miraculously. So we're getting healed all the time on this broadcast, my broadcast, But I saw what I would call a corporal healing, a corporal healing, like a massive amount of healing.
It was like the Exodus healing where they went through the Red Sea and none of them came, came through feeble. It was like a massive healing taking place. Saints, it's coming. Brother, it's coming. God wants you to imagine yourself out of that wheelchair, off those crutches, Imagine yourself. He wants you to see yourself healed, delivered, and set free.
My God, I'm getting the Holy Ghost goosebumps right now. Yes, and I'll tell you, there's confirmation. God had given me a prophetic word about a death blow that the Supreme Court would give the Washington establishment. Oh boy. Oh boy. A that's blow. And so I was, as soon as you said that they, the Supreme Court would give a blow and I was like.
Well, yeah, God said that there'd be a death blow. So that's just another confirmation because it's going to get them hard. And so anything that the enemies are trying to, these are the days of payment and something else that you said about the miracle signs and wonders guys have been saying, because he's been saying, this is a time of the right, sea like moments.
And he's been saying that he, this is a greater Exodus and he's in delivering his people just like he did, but in a greater way. And there'll be no feeble among them. So all the destruction and all the damage that the enemy has caused the people's minds to their bodies, to their families, God is going to destroy and God is going to make it where there's so much glory.
He said he's going to fill this earth with his glory like he did in the days of Noah, instead of it being water. It's going to be God's glory filling this earth, and that's what's going to bring, and he showed us, he showed the team, stadiums filling up with people, stadiums filling up with people, because of God's glory, because of the miracles, and because of the signs and wonders, people are wanting to get in, and the stadiums aren't even going to be enough, because of how dark it is, how just horrible it is right now, People are gonna want to know the one true God and not the religious version.
And that's some version they were told. They want to see the God who's performing these miracle signs and wonders. Not the person, but God, who is actually the one doing it. So I want to confirm to you all the things you were just saying, God has been saying these for years and that just makes me happy because I just want to say God's been having us on the same page.
So this is so great, Julie, you're, you're, you're, you're so on it. Saints, this is a time of acceleration. Understand that. And as I said earlier, the broadcast, the enemy screams the loudest when he knows he's on the way out. So you're going to see a lot of noise. Okay, from every direction, because God is raising up a remnant in this season, a remnant, which is you and I, those that are standing for the Lord.
And then, as I was in this vision, God was showing me, Julie, and taking me, and I'm seeing. People's homes, Saint's homes, and the Lord said, I am the Lord. I heard the word, I am the Lord. That's what he was saying, that he led my children. And I saw prayer walks going on. You were saints. You, God is, is literally dealing with you.
Many of you are going to fill an anointing. To get up afternoons, mornings, even at night, walk, prayer walks through your house, decree and declaring over your loved ones that don't know the Lord. I saw as the saints were going in, doing their prayer walks, some of them were walking through their neighborhoods, speaking over their neighborhood, walking, speaking over their, their school districts, speaking over their state city halls.
I saw saints. In the United States and around the world doing prayer walks, calling out those things that be not as though they were. I saw the Lord doing a shift in their families. Those that were stubborn about serving the Lord, God was, God was opening their eyes. I saw the saints taking photos on their homes, laying hands on their photos, decreeing, you will serve the Lord, calling out their names.
You will serve the Lord. We were seeing this Julie. I'm in, it was wonderful as I saw some, these were prodigal sons and prodigal daughters coming back to the Lord. Prodigal spouses, as they were doing the prayer walks. I mean, so it's, so it's vital. I've been doing prayer walks in my home. I've seen such a shift.
Oh my gosh. I've been doing prayer walks and the people that, and my family that in my home, since I've been doing prayer walks. I didn't say anything to them. All of a sudden that anointing hit them and now they're praying more. Oh my God. I'm like, where's so and so? He's praying. Where's so and so? They're praying.
What? I've been doing, speaking over my neighborhood, releasing the glory, releasing the glory, releasing the glory. Oh my God, I've noticed a difference within weeks. I noticed a difference. The neighbors are now coming out more, more friendly, saying, hi, wow. God, you know, they're not like, you know, Jesus yet, but you can see there's, there's a shift.
There's a shift happening. So saints, I'm encouraging you when God puts you in your neighbor, he didn't make a mistake. You know, every once in a while we get in, well, I gotta get out of this neighbor. Wait a minute. Release the glory and enable her. Julie didn't, I don't know if she, Julie, you realize you're on it, Julie.
When Julie spoke earlier about God's releasing his glory to the world, that's on our hats, numbers 1421, that's exactly what Julie said is the scripture on her hats. Ooh, I love this. Such a confirmation. So, you know, so if you don't have you get one, this is something from the Lord. And so I saw these things.
And so God is going to start quickening meaning of you saints, especially the morning, get up, watch your home, speak those things. I'm not saying wake up everybody in your house. That's not what I'm saying. This just, I'm speaking under my breath. I'm speaking in tongues. I am blessing our home. I am blessing our neighborhood.
I blessing the dogs in the neighborhood. I am blessing everything I can see. And I've seen the results because God showed it to me. God wants, he wants to increase us in him. Saints. And so I saw some things happening and also with, with California. I saw an announcement being made now there's 50 states, so you have 50 governors, but California is, it's, it's kind of unique, you know, we, the state of California kind of follows after, you know, I mean, I mean, other states kind of follow after California and I saw our governor Newsome and, you know, there's other words for that, but I'll just call him Newsome.
He's making an announcement, an announcement he's making, it's going to be a good thing for California. So, I saw there's going to be a announcement he's going to make this year and it's going to affect the rest of the States. So the Lord showed me, but the Lord didn't give me what kind of announcement was.
He said, it's going to be a good announcement, especially for the body of Christ. Wow. I have something the Lord had just given me, I think it was yesterday morning. He gave me a really awesome one about California. Come on, I'm just saying and knew some. So that is I don't know, I don't remember exactly.
I'm trying to find it's on my piece of paper bear, but keep going. I just want to tell you that there is exciting things happening in California. I love it. And so saints. The Lord has spoken and he gave me the downloads. And as I was seeing the saints walking and speaking those things, doing their prayer walks, it is vital.
The Lord wants us to finish well, seriously. It's not so much how we began. Many of us, we have great beginnings, but how's our endings. The Lord wanted, wanted his saints to know, stand in the race, seriously, fight a good fight. Run a good race. We've seen that in the, in the scriptures, how the Lord showed, because he always reverts back to his word, like he does with Julie Green.
He showed me that in the beginning, he says, I call them all apostles at the end of Jesus earthly ministry. He didn't call them all apostles. He called 11 apostles and the one he called the devil. So, excuse me. I'm excited. It's, it's getting to me as I'm getting excited. So, you know,
Judas didn't end well. But you and I can, you know, and I tell people, and so it's very important. And we're seeing things happen in other platforms with other ministries. Saints don't let when you, if you see a ministry, maybe something took place or something went down. God doesn't want you to judge them.
You pray for them. You pray for them. Okay. Because you can't always believe what you hear.
Yep. You can't always believe what you hear. So this is extremely important. So we're being tested. Or will we judge? Or will we pray for that ministry, that man or woman of God, to build them back up again? Come on. Yes. God's been saying things are not how they appear to be. And so, Oh, that's so good. He keeps saying, That this is a time more than any other time that the judge shall live by faith.
And if you're walking by faith, you're walking by the word of God, you're walking by the word of God. You're not going to be judged because if we're judging, then we ourselves will be judged. And so when you said, if you see you hear things, you see things that are going on, don't be moved by what you're seeing.
You go to the Lord. Lord, what should you, what do you want me to do about this? Should I pray about this? What do you want me to say about this? It's all in God and what God wants us to do about all these different situations. And again, we cannot judge others. Because then that we will get in trouble. I mean, seriously, that is like, we can't do that.
And in the body of Christ, another thing we have to do is, I know you would agree with me, Manuel, is we have to come and unite in the body of Christ. We have to unite with the Lord, and we have to unite with each other because, of course, Jesus is our head. We're the body, and the body is supposed to be connected with the head.
But if the body is all separate, walking out of love, angry, divisive, judging one another, it's separate from the head. It can't work function. You know, I feel like Julie is right in my studio looking at my notes. I cannot believe this because part of my notes on my download was I saw a great unity come with the body of Christ.
You know what? I'm telling you something. Good. You know, I should have been wearing diapers, listening to her. Oh my gosh.
He's a great uniter. Yes. You are going to unite the body of Christ and he's uniting the United States because that's what it's supposed to be. It's supposed to be united. It's not called the divided states, it's called the United States and God is uniting the body of Christ. He's uniting this nation as one nation under God.
He's uniting us to bring in that glory. Because a house divided against itself cannot stand. Cannot stand. That's why you're going to see this great the great uniter. On the scene, uniting his body. This is so good saying, so I see, it's like Judy said, I saw a great unity take place in the body of Christ, but not just their charismatic platform.
Okay. I saw a great unity take place in different, you know, Calvary Chapel platform, different platforms of the body of Christ. They were all coming together. God was bringing in a unity, such a unity. And this, in this country and around the world. This is part of the pushback. Satan knows that his biggest weapon is division.
If I can get them against each other and if I can get them, you see, he wants us to be divided against God and divided against each other. This happened in the garden of Eden. First, he wanted to get. Adam and Eve against each other and get Adam and Eve against, you know, divided with God, Adam started accusing Eve, come on.
And then the, the serpents, the serpent started accusing God. Did God really say same thing you and I have to understand. He's the accuser of the brother. He does it day and night. He comes to, he will attempt to come to us and accuse God before us. And he will go to God and accuse us before God. Understand these things.
So whenever you see I love it. What Julie said, a divided house. Okay. Because I've been doing my prayer walks in my home. I, you know, I see a picture of me and my gorgeous wife. My God. Wow. She's gorgeous. I look a picture of her and I wasn't too bad either that. So I'm just saying, I said, Lord, I release, I release the glory over my marriage.
I released the glory of my marriage. I released the glory over my marriage, you know, and then she wakes up later on. Oh honey, I don't know what's going on, but I want to fix you. Brofist, uncle. Well, I'm going to be doing this prayer walk every day. So anyway, I just have to tell you guys, so, you know, I'm getting Persian toast.
Whoa. You're sitting there. You're saying that you're, you're, you're confessing, declaring decreeing. The glory in your marriage, the glory in your home, and that's where you're getting glory, because you're not getting that strife in there, where strife is where every other evil thing is. You're bringing the sun, And God's bringing that glory and you're getting your Persian toast.
I am enjoying this. I am seeing the results of this. People speak over your children, speak over your marriage. You know, my marriage has been great, but God said we can go to the next level. You know, speak over your marriage that, you know, we don't have pictures on the wall, just to look at them, lay your hands on them and says, Lord, I released the glory.
I released the glory. Use the photos as a point of connection in your prayer walks. And I'm just seeing such a move of God. Bless your home. I can't explain it to you, but it's in the Bible. The walls have ears. The walls have ears. Speak in your home. Speak over those, speak on to the wall. Lord, I speak blessings on this home.
I speak blessings on this home. Don't, Oh my God, I'm going to pay for the mortgage. I'm going to pay this. No! It was God's will. It's God's bill. Understand that, Saints. You know. Listen, the enemy will always like to poison your mind about the blessings of God. Don't do that. I always speak blessings. You know, and last week.
Oh, I can't wait to tell you. Last week, GLORY DAYS! Oh my god! We had a, we had a, you know, I have a two story home. And so we had a leak, you know. And we had for some of you, I know you may not follow it. A few days ago, it was the Persian New Year. So our home was assigned to be one of the gatherings. And there was a leak.
A leak from the first, second floor to the first floor and it was like coming to the kitchen. I was like, oh gosh. And so the first thing the enemy says, oh no, not again. And so I looked at the leak,
my wife's taking a shower, the water's coming like Niagara Falls. I'm like, so the first thing the enemy goes, Say it, get mad, please get mad, say that, and I go, no, no, I'm not going to say it. I go, I bless this home. I don't know what it is, Lord, but I know you're going to work it out. You're going to work it out, you know?
And so I said, I told my wife, call the plumber. So she, you know, so it, the way it looked like it was going to be this major expense of, you know, Job, but I spoke I said no, I bless it. It's just gonna be great. Lord. This is your home Your will your bill. I bless this home and I thank you for it, right? The leaks are going I thank you for it.
The plumber comes out sees it. Oh, this is all it is He goes upstairs. He fixed the situation took him a you know, less than an hour 200 bill. Everything was fine. Everything was fine. And I'm just thinking that the picture that Annie wanted to put on me was like, Oh my gosh. But the picture that God had was different.
It was different. He, that, that mounted was just a little sand and it was fixed. No problem. We were ready for the person new year. I'm just using it as an example because I'm speaking blessings over the house and I'm seeing God's favor. I'm seeing God's favor. I'm blessing the appliances. I'm blessing the bedrooms.
I'm blessing the floors. I'm blessing my windows. I release the glory. I go in my backyard, Lord, I release the glory. You know, the rapids and the scrolls, they scatter when I get there, but I release the glory, you know, I release the glory and I'm blessing my fruit trees. I'm seeing such, it's this winter time in California.
Do you know, Julie, I've been blessing my yard. It's starting to bloom before it's time. Normally, my, my, the trees starts to bear fruit and bloom. I got at least two months before that happens. It's starting to bloom now. Oh, my gosh. I was so, I said, I can't believe it. But I'm speaking over the homes in my neighborhood, and I'm seeing the difference.
That's why I'm encouraging you to do this, Saints. There's a release taking place. There's a release taking place in our home, in our neighborhood, and in our own, in our spiritual being. Oh, I'm so excited about these prayer walks. I'm so excited about it. So, when you decree a thing in Job, it shall be established.
Yes. So, when you are decreeing glory, glory is God's presence, his power, and his goodness. So, when you're, you're sitting there proclaiming glory, You're proclaiming his presence in that area, his goodness in that area and his power in that area. And so you're wondering why things are blooming because God's life, it's God's power and his one, he's one who causes things to grow.
He's one of those causes life and where death was. God changes it to life. And so that's the reason why instead of saying, and I, I was doing this, I, I'm guilty of this yesterday when somebody wasn't working with a new computer. And I was like, that's stupid computer. I just wish I wouldn't have to get a new computer.
I like my old computer and said, I should have said, God, I bless this computer because it's all important for us to bless our home, bless our, like you said, bless appliances, bless our spouses, bless our children, bless everything we have, because when you're blessing it and you're, you're calling in glory.
You're calling in God. You're calling in God to manifest Himself. You're calling in God's power. You're calling in God's will. You're calling in God's purpose. You're calling in God's light. You're calling in everything that's good because you're calling on God. So you're giving people a great example of what to do when And instead of what the adversary wants us to do, is it saying everything we have and God's telling us to say everything we want and you want God's glory.
And that's what you've been saying. And that's a great example to so many people. So that's it. Oh my God. I think Julie has x ray vision. I think I'm sure some, some, something, something's going on in this live stream. I'm like, Lord, why do I have my, you know, why did I bring my notes? We have to be green.
She'll, she knows it. So it's like. And, and so God gave me the scripture because a lot of the saints, you know, they're saying, Julie, you know, man, you know, I want to prayer walks. I want to hear from God. I want to hear from God. The scripture tells us in Isaiah. And I knew Julie team will give you the scriptures on it, but it tells us in Isaiah, you know, you have ears to hear, but you don't hear, you have eyes to see, but you don't see if you hear with your ears and see with your eyes, I will heal you.
You see, there's even in the body of Christ, there are people that are born again, but yet they still can't hear from God. Listen, God, God, God desires a divine relationship with you. What I love about Isaiah, he talks about what was going on in his life on a personal note. We know he, we know he's a prophet, but God was ministering to him nearly every morning.
You know, oh, Pastor Manny, where's the scripture? So glad you asked. Well, I say a 50 verse four, and I know Julie Seema put that scripture up and I'm just going to read it for you real quick. The sovereign Lord has given me well instructed, a well instructed tongue. That means we're going to use this tongue to flow, to speak the words, that prophecy.
And it goes on to say, to know the word that will sustain the weary. This is what Julie does every day. Speak that word to sustain the weary. Because, believe me, this world, then Isaiah goes on to say, this is, this is glorious. He awakens me morning by morning, awakens my ear to listen like one being instructed loud.
The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears. What did the next line says? It's so important. I have not been rebellion. And I did what it means. I am not resisting the instructions of God. Did you know saints? One moment with God can change your life. Amen. It sure can. Yes. One moment of God can change your life.
And I've learned that when God's given me instructions, it's not based on my comfortability or my ability, but availability and availability. Could be any time of day.
I mean, it's really nice to sit there and get in your lazy boy Reclines says okay. Lord speak to me that that can't happen, but that doesn't always happen But and I would tell my wife the Lord said we got to do this. I'm gonna do that I'm gonna do this don't understand, but I'm gonna obey God wants to open your ears all of you They're listening right now.
He wants to open your ears He wants to open your ears. Julie did it again. Once again, in the last days, Joel chapter two. And so he says, I'm going to pour my spirit upon all flesh. Not one flesh, all flesh. Yes. Literally your sons and your daughters will have dreams and visions. The maidservants, manservants, manservants, godservants, are going to prophesy.
His spirit is pouring upon all flesh. Now, When you're prophesying, it doesn't make you a prophet, but you are prophesying. Julie, and I'm not sure she's been, she's probably been told this before. Julie walks in the office of a prophet. Understand that's the difference. An office of a prophet is different from just prophesying.
We all can prophesy, but when you're walking in an office of prophets, you see things a little differently. You speak things a little differently. Okay. So that's, and we need those office of a profits. God will never remove his profits. So I know you hear stuff out there. No. Why would God disarm the church and allow the enemy to be armed?
Are you kidding me? God would not do that. We're armed with the word of God. And these, and God has put before the church prophets, apostles, teachers, pastors, evangelists. This is it to what? To equip the church. To equip the church. Ephesians 4, 10, 11. Read that because there's a five fold ministry. All five fold in order for it to work and he does that like you said in order to equip the Saints equip the body of Christ Because in times of struggle in times of darkness in times when the enemy is shouting like you said the enemy always shouts It's always the darkest before the dawning when the enemy shouts You need to have that five fold ministry working together hand in hand in order for the saints to come and turn and look to God and obey God.
I'm telling you, therefore correction, they're there to warn, but the correction is the most important because if you're going down the wrong direction, you need a correction. Oh, that was so good. Listen, and so there are things happening going on in the body of Christ. You have to understand. I know many times we want everything to run great.
We're in a broken world. You can have the most anointed ministry and there's still going to be challenges, you know. And the Lord has asked me to say it. I'm going to say it again. When the enemy has a plot, God has a plan. Oh, amen. Amen. Always remember that. Don't sit there and magnify the enemy's plot.
Focus on God and hear his plan. Woo! It is so vital, Saints. It is so vital. Remember Job, and God has a sense of humor. He'll tell my children. There's a chapter 42 for all of us. It doesn't remember that when the enemy goes and accuses us before God, God never tells the enemy about chapter 42. Oh, because you know, so God always looks for opportunities to promote us in the spirit.
He always looks for opportunities. So when things are going. You thinking things are falling apart since no, they're falling together because all things will work itself out. I love it, man You should be excited. We're on the side that wins I know that everything will work itself out for the good because we love the lord just like the plumbing A situation that I had a few days ago, you know Was what was it's like?
Well, how can that work itself out? I could have been traveling And that could have, and that could have happened. Okay. I was home when this happened. Okay. A lot of things I looked at, I said, Lord, thank you. I was home when this happened. I was, I could have, so I was able to address the situation and I started to bless the situation instead of curse the situation and get all excited, whatever.
It was great. I love it! I love it! And so, I've started the year off right, I'm into the year, we're into March, we're gonna keep it right. Don't let the enemy bring up some fright, alrighty? Remember, the good news is, That the bad news didn't work out, didn't work out. So, so much is taking place and there's an acceleration and an anointing on people.
So you're going to see prophecies. I'm going to speak it out. Julie, Julie gains prophecies that she's getting from the Lord. my prophecies, other prophecies. You're gonna start to see that. An acceleration. So what we thought that was gonna take years are gonna take months. Yep. We thought what we thought would take months, would take weeks.
What we thought would take weeks, will take days. Come on. Mm-Hmm. Things are gonna start to accelerate. I saw this acceleration start to take place in the mid part of this year. It's already happening, but it's gonna go even faster. So really, really pay attention to the latter part of this year versus the beginning, even though the beginning is great because we got, you know, things taking place here and this is going to be a very special resurrection this year.
So say, let's get ready. God has got something. Behind the scenes for the resurrection for this year. So whatever you do, by all means, take that time and just celebrate the resurrection of our savior. It's going to be very special. It's going to be very, very, very special. I'm telling you, I'm telling you, I just feel it all in my bones.
You must also be very special. And I'm so excited. And I know that you're on here as you just had Nathan French with you and we're all together in June. That's right. Eighth and ninth in Iowa. Manny is actually going to come to Iowa. Never been there before. Never been there before. So I'm going to go to Iowa and for the very first time, I'm going to step my foot, me on, on there, me and my wife.
We're going to be like, so it said, this is our, this is Julie Greene's territory. Whoa. You know what? I did the same thing when we, when we came to your church in May of 2022, I think it was. That was the first time I'd ever been in California. I've never been in California before. That was the first time.
I've only been there twice. And so I was like, I'm like, wow, I'm actually in California. Cause I'd never been there. And I was so excited to see the West coast and the Pacific down there. Cause I've been to Oregon. But I was like, I, you know, I want to see California. So I'm glad you're going to be in my hometown and we're going to have an exciting Holy ghost and fire services.
Nathan French, Timothy Dixon, yourself and myself. And I'm so excited for you to join, but as we close today's show, of course, we're going to pray for you. But do you have anything you want to pray or say over all of the viewers before we? Saints, I'm going to tell you something. Get your celebration on.
Okay. Already from the white house to God's house, from God's house to the white house, from nation to nation. Get your celebration on. Okay. You guys are praying for me because my voice is starting to come back. This is great. This is great. You know, cause when I, you know, my, you know, this is California. So we're, we're three hours, two hours, you know, behind.
So my wife is still sleeping. Yeah. Yeah. So this is the, this is great. Golly God, you know, you know, it's funny because there's people watching at four o'clock in the morning. So I'm on it. We're 430 I'm on at 630 and they're watching I'm going California. You guys are two hours earlier than me So they're getting up early.
And so I know if they can do it Manuel. I love the fact that I know we're two hours different And I thank you for joining so early in the morning. Cause obviously you're two hours earlier than we are. So my pleasure, my pleasure. We just appreciate having fun. But we like to pray for you though, unless you want to pray for them too.
First, you know what I'm going to release the glory right now. Come on, release the glory now. Come on. Yes. Every one of you. Come on. Just take it. Release the glory. Release the glory. Release the glory. Release the glory. Release the glory. Oh God, I'm feeling the presence of the Lord. Woo! Release the glory.
Many of you guys are going to have a fantastic week in the Lord. A fantastic week. Glorious weekend in the Lord. Come on. Really? Receive it father. We decree and declare every woman and God, man of God. You're watching this broadcast Lord. Father, just give them the increase. Increase from heaven. Just let, let your presence overtake them.
Let this be one of the best weeks ever in the name of Jesus. Amen. Amen. Man, we'll to you right now, father. God, we thank you for strengthening his vocal cords and Satan. You get your hands off God's property. He will be able to do everything that God's called him to do, because it says in Philippians four and 13, that God gives him, he's the one right there.
We can do all things through Christ. So it doesn't matter what the enemy you are trying to do to his vocal cords. Oh, no, no. He can do all things through Christ. Who's strengthening him. He's strengthened his vocal cords. He's straight and right now, father, God, I know many is very, very annoying. And I thank you that you are releasing that anointing and releasing that glory onto him, do everything that he needs to do.
And we thank you father, God, for increasing everything in his life for increasing that glory. Amen. Father God, everything that you want him to do, every place that he's going, show him your glory and unlimited measure because you are an unlimited God. And so we thank you, Father God, for every person that is watching.
They received that glory that that man, that Manny released, they receive your report, father God, which is truth, which it stops at blocks. It destroys the power of the enemy. So we thank you father God, that they receive your joy, which is your strength. They receive your peace, which passes on understanding.
So no matter what is in their life. They know that when they shout the words that you are giving to them It's like the lion of the tribe of judah shouting out their mouth And I thank you father god the lion of the tribe of judah lives on the inside of us And you are greater than our enemy. So we thank you this day.
We thank you just like manuel always says These are glory days, not gloomy days. We thank you father God for your presence, for your power, and for your goodness throughout this earth, throughout your people, father God, to bring this great glory upon this earth. And we thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen.
And a men. Well, thank you. for joining today. Once again, I put mega praise ministries. com up on the screen, so you can check him out. He's on YouTube and you can check out his broadcast and go get yourself a glory days and not gloomy days half. And brother, I just wanna say thank you once again for joining today.
We love having you on. We love our thank you. Thank you. You tell Shiva High from all of us here at JGMI and I'll tell Happy New Year. Yes. And Happy New Year. Yes, happy New Year. So, thank you for joining today and everyone be encouraged. God loves you. We love you and have a wonderful day.
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