Protesting Professors Prove Columbia University An Antisemitic Institution

2 months ago

In a shocking display of hate-filled solidarity, a group of Columbia University professors held a rally to express support for pro-Hamas/antisemitic students who were suspended for unauthorized protests. The professors also criticized university president Minouche Shafik for her decision to call in the NYPD to arrest unruly student protesters. The event, which took place on Monday, saw over 100 students arrested since the formation of an unauthorized encampment zone on the school's south lawn.

Professor Christopher Brown, a vocal critic of Shafik, called for her resignation, stating, "She showed no pride in our institution and allowed slander of our institution to stand without rebuke." Brown was referring to Shafik's congressional testimony, where she failed to address the rising antisemitism on campus. It remains unexplained how Brown’s stance in supporting hate and advocating for violence can be seen as having “pride” in his institution. His is the thinking of the ignorantly arrogant and imbecilic.

Brown's sentiments were echoed by Professor David Lurie, who demanded that charges against the arrested students be dismissed and expunged from their records "immediately," thus condoning the hate and violence that permeates Columbia’s campus.

The situation on Columbia’s campus has deteriorated significantly over the weekend, with Jewish students facing violent demonstrations and calls for slaughter. The tensions have created a violent, hateful, and hostile environment, making it impossible for Jewish students to attend classes and engage in academic activities.

During the professors' rally, student attendees chanted antisemitic slogans, including "Zionists you can't hide, we charge you with genocide" and "There is only one solution, intifada revolution." These chants clearly indicate the toxic atmosphere that has engulfed the tinderboxes that are America’s university and college campuses.


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