Education: What the early Christian Church Believed and Debunking "Christian Nationalism"

9 months ago

In this episode of Alex Newman's hit show, The Sentinel Report, we dive head-first into the news and hear from three terrific guests. First off, Newman offers critical intel on the House Committee on Judiciary’s interim report on the Brazilian regime's campaign to silence and destroy opposition while Biden remains silent, plus the FBI’s unconstitutional discrimination against Catholics, and much more.

The first guest on the show, Kevin Swanson, shares what the church fathers said on the topic of education and how, through the eradication of faith in the classroom, America has secularized children. However, hope is not lost. When asked about solutions, Swanson shared, “If we can wean 10% of the American public off the public schools [and move toward private or homeschools], I think we have a shot at saving America.”

Next up on the show, Judge Phil Ginn, the President of Southern Evangelical Seminary, says that the term “Christian nationalism” is a term weaponized by the Left to demonize Americans who believe their rights come from God and that government is instituted among men to protect those rights. Ultimately, Ginn argues that Americans simply must understand and believe in the Christian morality that built America, despite any labels the left throws at those who believe it.

Finally, Kris Jurski, the founder of The People's Audit, a voter integrity organization, said that Americans must clean voter rolls to have secure elections. "Our voting system was not created to have mail-in voting, and the fact that elected officials are promoting it is troubling," Jurski shared.

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