What Is White Culture? (by Red Ice TV)

9 days ago

What Is White Culture? (by Red Ice TV)

"Black culture" is an oxymoron. Every aspect of black culture is manufactured by Jews.

I copied & pasted someone's response to this video and thought it was brilliant:

Sick & tired of people who come from a culture of grass skirts, coconut tree leaf & stick huts, with bark canoes & sharp sticks as 'fishing boats' murdering sea creatures brutally with sharp sticks....
Coming into my white country on a white man invented airplane & living in brick & steel houses with electricity, plumbing, air conditioning and driving cars to doctors or earn cash...
Only to tell me that I "don't have culture & I need to be enriched by them."

I'm sick of black people, I'm sick of Islanders, sick of Asians, sick of towel heads, sick of DOT HEADS....... Seriously, you can all FUCK OFF BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM... We don't need you but for cleaning toilets, mowing lawns & cooking our food.

Other than that, we don't need you, unless we need shitty jobs done.
But, white people have enough of Low-IQ people to do shitty jobs for us, they're called FOOTBALL FANS. I mean, being fanatical about a group of men chasing a bag of air around a rectangle of grass is a good IQ test.

I'm also FUCKING SICK & TIRED of Latin-Americans..... They are so parochial about their race.... Really, a culture who threw virgins into volcanoes to stop earthquakes & are a present-day product of TURKISH RAPE BABIES (The Spanish) sailing to a sugar farm & fucking the relatives of Genghis Kahn who lived on the side of a tectonic mountain range.
Then they are told to go to white countries & boil beef & beans for 7 hours then stuff it on some flat corn bread & throw chilli on it & then behave like it's some cultural supremacy FLEX!
Oh & being able to speak Spanish is NOT A FLEX..... I'm a 90s Kid & if you speak Spanish to me, I flash-back to the mid/late-90s of having to hear THE MACARENA & being forced to dance to & listen to that FUCKING ANNOYING song I couldn't understand in a language & don't need to give a fuck about & the PTSD kicks in... Then, that ear-worm in the 2010s of DESPACITO.... Bunch of SPIC LYRICS of tongue-hissing rapey-vibe language which ENRAGES me at the sound of.

Oh & to all you SPICS who think you're "smarter than me" because you can speak Spanish.... Why are you "so smart" at speaking Spanish but your countries are SHITHOLE DUMPS?

I can speak English & German.... Yeah, German, the language of the culture who gave us architecture, symphony orchestra instruments, the automobile, Antilock Braking System (ABS) technology & modern medicine instruments like MRI scanners; just to name a few you'll know.

FUCK LATIN-AMERICA..... Kick a soccer ball, blow a referee whistle, bash a drum, shout "Ole' Ole' Ole' Ole'..." Then scurry under the US border fence, kidnap a white child, rape white children, pimp out white children, rob white people, murder white people..... Then when white people get angry the Latin-Americans accuse the white people of "being DIS-RESPECTFUL" & then spics think they "need to teach the white man some RESPECT"

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