Sibling Rivalry: Little Girl Upset That Her Sister Keeps Interrupting Her Prayers

6 years ago

Many families across the country observe some kind of religion whether it be one of the many sects of Christianity, Judaism, Islam or even Hindusim of Baha’i. Most generally, every religion has some kind pre-meal prayer being thankful or asking for blessings before eating.

For some kids the meal time prayer is a moment to blow off…

These two girls are eating dinner when their mother tells one of them to say her blessings. The younger baby in her high chair is playing with her food and ignoring her sister. Perhaps she does not quite understand saying grace yet. However, she definitely understands interrupting her sister. In fact, she is quite devious with her interruptions. She waits for the her sister to get her prayer going just a bit to let her think that she is safe. Then she suddenly starts screaming “Noooo!” She does this just about every time her sister starts to pray which rattles her and causes her to have to restart.

But this little girl takes it very seriously! Do NOT interrupt her while she tries to say some Grace. It will NOT end well!

The mom, who is filming the interaction, lets the two bicker over prayers. At one point she tells the older girl that perhaps she needs to pray for some patience. What a burn, mom, what a burn. At one point, the little girl tries to throw out a quick prayer. She does the Catholic sign of the cross gesture and quickly spits out, “In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.” She actually gets it out, but when her sister screams again, she loses it. A few more prayers for patience might be needed.

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