Tokyo's Akihabara and my friends at ShigeZone! 360º VR

2 months ago

The original electronic hobbyist's paradise- Akihabara!
**Select "2880s HD" under Quality (the little gear icon) and click on the video to move it and look around. **
If you are ever there, visit my friends at Shigezone, they helped me with my visa and I'm very grateful😊
秋葉原の東京ラジオデパート3階・電子部品・電子機器のショップです。 平日13-19時(不定休)・土日祝11-19 時。LED・マイコンボード・タブレットなど続々入荷中!

お問合せは へ。
中の人(店長)は @shigezo
東京 千代田区外神田1-10-11 東京ラジオデパート3F

Sponsor me, get early access to my videos, exclusive access to my Vlogs and support my work (but only if you can without hardship because I'm going to spend it all on beer and women)😘:

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