5 months ago

God is good and He wants to have a relationship with you because He loves you. If you look around and question your environment it doesn't take much more than looking in the mirror to recognize that this reality is not some cosmic impossible accident but has evidence of design and therefore a designer. We call Him God. God created everything that is around us because He loves us. From the very beginning, all God wanted was a family. The first members of that family decided exercise the free will that God gave them and chose to bring evil into the world. A holy God cannot be in the presence of evil so we were removed from Him. Since the very beginning, God knew this would happen and decided that He would take the punishment of that decision, what we call "sin", and personally be held responsible for it. That man was named Yeshua (which means "salvation"). The God who is so big to create the universe decided to enter into His creation in such a way where we could relate with Him. Jesus, Yeshua, is God in human form. He took our sin to hell and after three days was risen from the dead. He is now in heaven, praying for you. All of us, one day, will be held accountable for our actions. What God offers through Jesus is the eternal inheritance of a perfect man, a true Son of God. God tells us that if we receive His son, we are also eligible to recieve the Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of God.

If you want to replace your sin with the Righteousness of Christ Jesus, Paul tells us in Roman's that all we have to do is believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord.

Pray these words, and mean it. "God, I believe that you created me and I want to have a relationship with you. Thank you for sending your Son to die on the cross so that I might be eligible to receive your gift of eternal life in heaven. I believe that you raised Jesus from the dead after three days and I confess with my mouth "Jesus is Lord". Today I chose to make Jesus the master of my life. Forgive me of all my sins and lead me in the way I should go."

If you prayed that prayer I want you to recive your forgiveness by faith. Now ask God to baptize you in the Holy Ghost as a confirmation of your decision.

(It took me 3202 days before I got baptized, so don't worry if it doesn't happen right away)

Go buy a Bible, get connected with your local church, be baptized in water and recieve the awesome destiny that the Lord has for you.


I hope this testimony encourages you and if you are already a Christian, the prayer at the end is for you, that you may have boldness and the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord imparted to you. God bless.

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