Invasions of Privacy, Acts of God, and Public Enemy Number One | Ep. 321

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It’s been a busy week in the PsyOp Circus of Social Media that saw sexually explicit messages between James O’Keefe and multiple lovers posted publicly by still recovering FBI Agent Kyle Seraphin — a development that has led many to posit that Seraphin is the hairy face of a novel age in COINTELPRO, intending to inflict damage to truth, justice, and the American way.

Elsewhere, in other corners of a disappointingly un-shocking world, January 6th defendant Jake Lang has reportedly been released from the Segregated Housing Unit in Brooklyn MDC, weeks ahead of what his fans feared would be a seven to eight week stretch in the hole before a return to the airwaves.

And in much less important news, the Ottoman Empire is trending on Xitter, rumors are circulating about a failed Israeli EMP attack on Iran, and as Donald Trump’s show trial is underway in the Big Apple, leftists across America are threatening to burn everything down if they don’t get their way.

The Council considers invasion of privacy, the rise of monolithic irresponsibility, and Revelations from the Prophet Nathan on April 25th, 2024

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