Testing a FLIR Fever Screening Camera For Adafruit NYC

27 days ago

For years, all over Asia- at border crossings, businesses, schools thermal cameras are used to make sure people running high fevers are detected. This has helped slow the spread of COVID-19, flattening the curve. In order to protect their employees, Adafruit asks me to secure and send several models- I test one here. The UTi165K.

Note- normally I post links to buy the products I review, but because the UTi165K has a built-in lipo battery and due to the current crises it is very, very hard to ship them from China. Be Careful of Scammers! IR thermometers are already being counterfeited with questionable parts. My advice is to wait until Adafruit has verified units in stock.Small tips are always appreciated🙏 or if you sponsor me monthly, you get to see my videos a week before anyone else and support my work (but only if you can without hardship because I'm probably going to spend it on beer and women😜):

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