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SN1414: Dark Enchantment, Hospital Horrors & Normalizing Instability⚠️

Streamed on:

[Audio Podcast Version: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/factionsoffreedom/2024/04/25/dark-enchantment-hospital-horrors-normalizing-instability]

[Episode Article: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdofree.com/2024/04/26/sn1414-dark-enchantment-hospital-horrors-normalizing-instability/]

Looking into the reality of resets and where we are in the cycle of them became the theme of this week’s transmission. While it’s important to pay attention to current events, like people setting themselves on fire, it’s equally as important to reflect on how we got here. Hyper propaganda and social engineering are the obvious methods of control, but how far have we fallen?

We revisit this theme throughout the show as we update the audience about our modern day dilemmas. A hospital whistleblower by the name “Zoe” has been setting the internet ablaze with her testimony regarding the horrors she witnessed while working in hospitals. These people, like many of the world, are traumatized by the travesties we’re still fighting!

The controlling elite are purposefully destabilizing society so we don’t know what normal or peace looks like, and any peace that is achieved is actively coopted bythese forces. It’s becoming increasingly apparent that we are our only solution, and that we have to provide our own network in order to survive. These aren’t radical thoughts, they’re natural responses to the erosion of civility.

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