Introduction to Pranayama | Full Length Class

16 days ago

Designed to introduce viewers to the fundamental concepts and practices of Pranayama, the yogic art of breath control. This class is aimed at beginners and provides step-by-step guidance on how to breathe properly which is central to enhancing physical, mental, and spiritual well-being in the yogic tradition.

This introduction is ideal for anyone new to yoga or those looking to deepen their understanding of yogic breathing techniques. It serves as a practical guide for incorporating effective breathing practices into one's daily routine to improve overall health and wellness.

🔍 Key Themes and Insights

- Foundations of Pranayama
- Breathing Techniques Demonstrated
- Step-by-Step Guidance
- Integration with Yoga Practice
- Relaxation and Stress Relief
- Interactive and Engaging Presentation
📖Read a Detailed Overview of Light on Pranayama: The Yogic Art of Breathing by B.K.S. Iyengar here:

🧷Introduction to Pranayama -Full Length Class is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED License which can be viewed here:

I have edited this content for my channel.

🧷You can find the Original Work and understand your rights under this license, please visit:

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