Terpinolene in Modern Cannabis - Terpinolene in Indica Vs. Sativa - Sativa Best Expressed Indica

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Terpinolene is that fruity gum, juicy fruit like aroma produced in strains typically sativa leaning, but on this hybridized marketplace we see terpinolene heft in Indicas a good bit. so what's the difference in Terpinolene in a modern sativa hybrid vs terpinolene in an indica.hybrid over all. Ofcourse there are sativa leaning indica hybrids and vice versa but there is a definite difference between indica and sativa expressing terpinolene. The level of Terpinolene present is also obviously impacts this heavily as well, as low.levels of terpinolene often have little very notable impact on the experience. join me so I can talk about terpinolene,



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