Video RR: What Defines Christianity & Biblically Faithful Churches?

10 months ago

This is a recording of a live stream of The Faith Debate radio show doing an in-studio recording session. This behind-the-scenes look makes you a fly on the wall as the panel interacts over a WallBuilders event in DC, the things that are non-negotiable for Christianity (and what are adiaphora), and how to vet churches.
Troy Skinner. Pastor, Household of Faith in Christ
Daniel Razvi. Pastor, Church That Meets at Imran's
Imran Razvi. Founder, Conquered By Love Ministries
Live in-studio, The Faith Debate discusses:
. Section One - The WallBuilders organization hosted a "Pastors Briefing" at the US Capitol where about a dozen speakers (nine of them members of Congress) shared the political status of things "inside the beltway" with about 100 pastors over the course of two days. What was the big takeaway from attending this short conference?
. Section Two - What must churches and Christians get right when it comes to questions of abortion, marriage, sin, and understanding the gospel?
. Section Three - The panel shares expanded thoughts on the Defense of Marriage Act (which proved to be a paper lion) and the demonic Respect for Marriage Act (which actually disrespects biblical marriage).
. Section Four - Continuing to define "marriage", "woman", "man", and things related to DOMA and RFMA. Also, talk of polygamy, divorce, being unequally yoked, and the purpose of marriage.
. Section Five - This five-show arc of episodes wraps up with thoughts about Kinism (inter-ethnic marriage), marriage ceremonies, and items/issues that are "borderline red flags" when vetting a local church.
This video contains five radio shows. All five episodes will be available as audio podcasts after they air on the radio in June/July of 2024. The easiest way to find these podcasts, once they're uploaded, is to visit the Household of Faith in Christ website and link to either SermonAudio or Odysee.

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