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The Cannibals Ate my Uncle!

9 months ago

The Master Sergeant goes after the lies of Joe Biden, showing proof that if you tell a lie often enough people start believing it.


  • 0/2000
  • Par for the Course for the 'Party of Perversity' The Democrat 'brain-trust' suffers from 'Progressive' Alzheimers marked by 'Liberal' Dementia. Dementia Joe was a young child when he heard the story of his uncle, the dead war hero, getting his brains sucked out in the pacific. the rest is history, legend, or lies, as it were... and the smartest Brandons brain has been eaten by Cannabis, Coke & Meth. Who else thinks Kamala prays to the Voodoo-gods every night ? Joe's dad: "What's wrong with two men kissing if they're in love?" Joe: "What's wrong with sharing a shower with your daughter?" Hunter: "What's wrong with fucking your brothers wife & daughter, doing drugs, and recording it?" The trajectory of the Biden family is epic. Not enough virtuous cycles between them to un-fuck the nose-dive. Can I get a 'God damn, Joe' ?

    1 like
  • his involvement in the civil rights movement was as positive as Obamas community organizer claim. Joe has been pushing against civil rights and continues by promoting non citizens ability to vote for him

  • yes the vaxines worked to help with the un agenda 2030 of eliminating 50% of the world population-wiping out elderly who are on the gubbamint tit, getting some of their social security money and wiping out some of the folks with diseases

  • hopefully, the "undocumented" who will be allowed to vote, will vote in favor of the right to pursue happiness, in favor of the us constitution, in favor of capitalism and in disfavor of this country becoming like the countries they escaped from

  • Maybe Power wheels