Pro Parental Secrecy - One Temecula Valley PAC - PBTpodcast

8 months ago

This is just one of the many lies brought to us by our local left wing extremist group One Temecula Valley PAC. You literally can’t make this stuff up! These people think that the everyday citizen is stupid, and won’t have the capability to read between the lines. Where is their “community transparency” at now!? Vote NO on the recall, and tell these propagandists to kick rocks.

#thetemecula77% #PBTpodcast #pointblanktruthpodcast #podcast #community #pbtpodcast #pointblanktruth #temecula #tvusd #tvusdparents #temeculastrong #loka #familiesandparentsfirst #RiversideCounty #Southwestriversidecounty

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