Episode 2079: Steadfast in Faith: Walking with Our Heavenly Father

2 months ago

Welcome, to another episode of CR in which we will discuss the "Steadfast in Faith," where we delve into the timeless wisdom of our Catholic tradition, seeking guidance and strength for our spiritual journey, and today, we're exploring the profound messages encapsulated in the words of two revered saints and a passage from the Psalms.
Our first quote comes from the inspiring St. Andrew Kim Taegon, who urges us with these words: "I urge you to remain steadfast in faith, so that at last we will all reach heaven and there rejoice together." These words resonate deeply, reminding us of the ultimate goal of our faith journey: to reach heaven, to be reunited with God and all His saints in eternal joy. But how do we remain steadfast in our faith amidst the challenges and distractions of this world?
Let's break down St. Andrew Kim Taegon's quote:
"I urge you to remain steadfast in faith,
Here, St. Andrew Kim Taegon emphasizes the importance of maintaining a firm and unwavering commitment to one's faith. To be steadfast means to be resolute, persistent, and unwavering in belief, regardless of the circumstances or challenges one may face.
"so that at last we will all reach heaven
St. Andrew highlights the ultimate goal of the Christian faith: to attain heaven, our eternal home in the presence of God. This suggests that remaining steadfast in faith is not just about personal conviction but also about ensuring our final destination—eternity with God in heaven.
"and there rejoice together."
Finally, St. Andrew emphasizes the communal aspect of our journey of faith. He reminds us that our faith is not just an individual pursuit but a shared experience. The joy of reaching heaven is magnified when we rejoice together with all the faithful, united in the eternal presence of God.
In essence, St. Andrew Kim Taegon's quote encourages us to persevere in our faith, keeping our eyes fixed on the ultimate goal of heaven, and finding joy in the shared experience of faith with our fellow believers.
Here, Saint Francis de Sales provides us with a beautiful analogy: "Imitate a little child, whom one sees holding tight with one hand to its father, while with the other it gathers strawberries or blackberries from the wayside hedge." What a profound image! Just as a child trusts its father completely while enjoying the simple pleasures of life, we too are called to trust our heavenly Father as we navigate through the joys and trials of our earthly existence.
Let's break down Saint Francis de Sales' quote:
"Imitate a little child,
Saint Francis de Sales begins by invoking the image of a child, suggesting that there is something inherently pure and innocent in the behavior of children that we can learn from. Children often embody qualities such as trust, simplicity, and dependence, which are valuable virtues in the spiritual life.
"whom one sees holding tight with one hand to its father,
Here, Saint Francis paints a vivid picture of a child holding tightly to its father's hand. This imagery symbolizes trust and reliance on a higher authority or guidance, much like how we are called to trust in God as our heavenly Father.
"while with the other it gathers strawberries or blackberries from the wayside hedge."
Despite holding onto the father's hand, the child is depicted as still being engaged in the simple joys of life, represented by gathering strawberries or blackberries. This suggests that while we trust in God and rely on His guidance, we can still enjoy the blessings and experiences of the world around us, understanding that they come from God's hand.
In summary, Saint Francis de Sales' quote encourages us to imitate the trusting and dependent nature of a child in our relationship with God, holding tightly to His guidance while still enjoying the simple pleasures of life, all of which are ultimately gifts from our heavenly Father.
But how do we maintain this trust and steadfastness? Our scripture reading from Psalm 42:8 offers a clue: "By day the Lord commands His steadfast love; and at night His song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life." In this verse, we find solace in the assurance of God's unwavering love, both day and night. His presence surrounds us, His song comforts us, and His love sustains us through every moment of our lives.
Let's break down Psalm 42:8:

"By day the Lord commands His steadfast love;

This verse begins by affirming the continuous nature of God's love. The phrase "By day" implies that God's love is ever-present, active, and enduring throughout our daily lives. The word "commands" suggests that God's love is not passive but rather proactive and intentional, demonstrating His sovereignty and authority.
"and at night His song is with me,
Here, the psalmist describes how God's presence and comfort extend even into the darkness of night. The image of God's song being with the psalmist suggests a sense of intimacy and companionship. Even in times of solitude or distress, the psalmist finds solace in knowing that God is near, singing over them with love and care.
"a prayer to the God of my life."
The verse concludes with an acknowledgment of God's central role in the psalmist's life. The phrase "a prayer to the God of my life" highlights the psalmist's dependence on God for guidance, protection, and sustenance. It reflects a deep and personal relationship between the psalmist and their Creator, where prayer becomes a constant expression of faith and reliance on God's unfailing love.
In summary, Psalm 42:8 reminds us of the unwavering nature of God's love, which accompanies us both day and night. It encourages us to find comfort and strength in knowing that God is always present, singing over us with His love and guiding us through every moment of our lives.
As we reflect on these words from St. Andrew Kim Taegon, Saint Francis de Sales, and the Psalmist, let us commit ourselves to remaining steadfast in faith, trusting in the Father's love, and seeking His guidance in all that we do. For it is in walking hand in hand with our heavenly Father that we find true joy and fulfillment, both in this life and in the life to come.
Thank you for joining us today on "Steadfast in Faith." Until next time, may God's love and peace be with you always. Now go out and convert somebody.

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