LETTING GO will Literally set you free (Live life in Easy mode)

9 months ago

Once you let go of your trauma, you will essentially start living life in easy mode.

If you look around, what do you think about daily? What do people think about daily?. Like what consumes the majority of our minds?

Our minds are primarily occupied by past trauma and worries about the future.

Everything we do is a reflection or a coping mechanism of our past trauma. We were unable to deal with them, like literally sitting, processing the pain letting it out.

Hence we try distracting ourselves with the external.

This can be addictions such as alcohol and drugs or it can be achievements.

All these things are fueled by our trauma. And we also develop this fear, like what if that happens again.

We don't want to experience the same PAIN, so we keep building up more stress and start worrying about the future.

Because internally we are thinking - WHAT IF we go through the same pain again.

And this essentially manifests as more pain and trauma in our life. Because life is basically what you focus on.

If you focus on the positive; you will find more things to be positive about. If you focus on the negative, you will find more things to be negative about.

So if you're always fearing going through the same pain, like literally occupying your mind with WHAT IF I go through the same pain again??!

Guess what; you will go through the same pain again.

You have essentially manifested it.

So LET GO of the trauma.

Using your trauma to fuel your ambitions, and achievements is awesome but the whole point of using them as fuel is to let go.

It doesn't make sense to achieve all the big things and still be hurt by the same situation again.

Your worst memory should just act as information to you, it shouldn't jolt you like lightning, shock your systems, and ruin your day. Once you let go of your trauma, you essentially stop worrying about the future too.

"Cry all you want but never cry for the same reason again"

The reason you worry about the future is due to the trauma you have endured.

You don't want to lose again. You don't want to feel the pain, shame, and guilt that comes from failing. It's not failure that you fear, it's the pain, shame, and guilt that come with failure that you fear.

So once you let go of past trauma, it'll be easier to let go of present triggers in external environments. It'll be easier to let go of events that trigger you daily, it'll be easier to stop worrying about the future.

And then it'll be easier to vibrate with higher frequency and manifest your desired reality

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