Monkey Werx suggests the US Intel Agencies can plant kiddie porn

26 days ago

Monkey Werx suggests the US Intel Agencies can plant kiddie porn on phones. He said in part: "that is how I believe these folks are being compromised clearly Mike Johnson has been compromised and the Deep States got him and I don't know if they pushed kid porn to his phone or what it was uh".

See Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News.

Monkey Werx suggests that the (CIA/NSA/FBI/DHS/DOJ) Deep State can hack into people's cell phones with using STINGRAY and can plant kiddie porn/child porn on your cell phone to compromise you.

Monkey Werx, let me know if I misquoted you in any way but I believe that you were trying to tell your audiance on YouTube that they can plant "kid porn" aka kiddie porn on people's phones to compromise them. Original video: source:

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