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Monkey Werx suggests the US Intel Agencies can plant kiddie porn

8 months ago

Monkey Werx suggests the US Intel Agencies can plant kiddie porn on phones. He said in part: "that is how I believe these folks are being compromised clearly Mike Johnson has been compromised and the Deep States got him and I don't know if they pushed kid porn to his phone or what it was uh".

See Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News.


Monkey Werx suggests that the (CIA/NSA/FBI/DHS/DOJ) Deep State can hack into people's cell phones with using STINGRAY and can plant kiddie porn/child porn on your cell phone to compromise you.

Monkey Werx, let me know if I misquoted you in any way but I believe that you were trying to tell your audiance on YouTube that they can plant "kid porn" aka kiddie porn on people's phones to compromise them. Original video: source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dldea9f5oGs