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Constantine & the Roman Catholic Church • Mendez 1990 ordinations • Fr Ripperger & Taylor Marshall

9 months ago

Summer retreats and camps. Rome website. Indulgences, penances require praying aloud? Benefits of alms giving. Prayers of a soul in mortal sin? Did Constantine begin the Roman Catholic Church? Fr Sanborn, Bishop Mendez and the 1990 ordinations. Fr Ripperger, Taylor Marshall and papal power to change Mass. Pray for SSPX and Fr Rostand. A new Inquisition? God's grace at work.

This episode was recorded on 4/23/2024


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  • Catholics follow Lucifer and ritual human sacrifice, the entire Vaccine program has been used to Eliminate all non Catholic Christians that could be done with lethal injections.

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  • Maybe the Catholics when they worship Mary. But a lot of Catholics are not actually Christians. Catholicism is a religion that was made up by the Jews to try to Control Christianity. It is a combination of idolatry, superstitions, and pagan rituals that preaches that salvation is based on Good Works not Faith alone.