"COVID" related women menstruation problems because of XMRVs!

10 months ago

Dr Judy Mikovits: every single shot sheds.

Dr Shannon Kroner: So let me ask you, why do you think the COVID shot triggered so many women to have menstruation problems?

Dr Judy Mikovits: because of the XMRVs! And the COVID shot...

Dr Shannon Kroner: But in terms of shedding?

Dr Judy Mikovits: I know because those of us who got exposed and families, those people. That turned on, I had written down here earlier, Syncytin. S Y N C Y T I N. That's the fusogenic protein in every mammal.

So the COVID shot was synthetic Syncytin. That's our own HERV W, human endogenous retrovirus W, we have L M N O P Q R, which is where you get W. That's your protection against another snake venom, Syncytin. Every mammal holds into the embryo.

And I know why, because of your history, your past thing, so you already had XMRVs. And that's why your courage and everything and listening. So you had pathogenic priming. So when you got shed upon, you didn't have to get the injection. It was worse than the injection.

We've known, and she was here a couple of days. Regan and that's in our book, listen to Regan. I mean, think of the Bible. Think of the woman that bleeds for 30 days, 60 days, three months, three years constant. Think of that parable and I'm sorry, I don't know the Scripture forgive me. So, but that that woman, you know, unclean, Unclean, unclean. No, no, you've been poisoned.

We don't have to declare unclean to our God. So you see you had pathogenic priming because you already had the XMRVs, that's the previous Vaccine Injury.

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 04/17/2024

Watch the replay of the whole 8 sessions of Dr. Judy's Book Club class on Odem: https://odem.cloud/program-details/2054

Video by Dr Shannon Kronner, author of "I'm Unvaccinated and That's ok!" https://shop.therealdrjudy.com/i-m-unvaccinated-and-that-s-ok-by-shannon-kroner.html

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