Today in History Food Edition May 2, 2024

10 months ago

Proverbs 10:12
12 Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all transgressions.

Annual Strawberry Festival
LSR Wine Stroll
43rd Annual Mushroom Festival
40th Vinton County Wild Turkey Festival
Eastern Orthodox Christian HOly Thursday
Green Pesto Salmon
St. Athanasius
Dr. Benjamin Spock’s Birthday
Baby Food
Chicken and Veggies
Superfood Pumpkin
Liver and Beets
Carrot and Salmon
Berries and Cream (No Cook)
Avocado and Coconut (No Cook)
Arnold George Dorsey MBE Birthday
Sugar and Spice makes Everything Nice Chocolate Cake
Dwayne Douglas Johnson the Rock’s Birthday
Rock Toast
World Tuna Day
Seared Ahi Tuna
National Truffles Day
Chocolate Truffles
1519 Leonardi da Vinci Died
Zanzarelli in Beef Broth
Stuffed Eggs
Veal Roulades
Leonardo da Vinci Salad
Acquarosa (Rose Water)
1670 King Charles II of England
Hudson Bay Bread Copycat
1878 The US stopped minting 20 cent pieces
Cheddar Cheese Coins
1878 at 7 am the ‘Washburn A’ Flour Mill exploded
Roast Goose
Roast Duck
Stewed Duck (Irish)
Salmi of Ducks (English)
Roast Pigeons
Pigeons or Game Pasties
Roast Venison
Venison Steaks
Rabbits or Hares
Roast Hare
Broiled Rabbit
Squirrel Pot Pie
1855 ‘Good Housekeeping’ Magazine was published
Tomato and Feta Baked Eggs
1890 The Oklahoma Territory was organized
Oklahoma Brisket
1942 Moonlight Cocktail hit #1
Moonlight Cocktail
1969 The Queen Elizabeth 2 British Luxury Liner set sail
Chilled Nectarine Soup
Rose Lasse
1974 Filming for ‘Jaws” began at Martha’s Vineyard
Jaws Breakfast
Blood in the Water Cocktail
Great White Chum
Old Bay Saltines
Sea Water Taffy

Romans 10:15
15 And how shall they proclaim if they are not sent? As it has been written, “How pleasant are the feet of those who bring the Good News of peace, who bring the Good News of the good!”

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