The Thermonator - How nice.

12 days ago

Hell Hound -‘Thermonator’ Robot Dog Comes Equipped With Flamethrower – ‘Man’s Best Friend’ or Another Terrible Idea?
[What WILL they come up with next? ]

"It seems lately that every new scientific development released upon us is a horrible idea devised to usher in our destruction.

From climate-tinkering tech, to DNA-changing vaccines, it’s a parade of dangerous ideas… and of course now we have the robots..."

Now available to the public at the low, low price of $9,450.00 - Get one today! Get two! - one for the back yard and one from the the front yard. -->Depose of pesky door-to-door salesmen! political canvassers! porch pirates! and those darned 7th day Adventists!
Guaranteed to make an easily cleaned up pile of ash! ;-0

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