Unexpected Move Puts Country With ‘Abysmal’ Record In Charge of New Task

10 months ago

Unexpected Move Puts Country With ‘Abysmal’ Record In Charge of New Task

It’s been said that we live in a clown world, a statement that is repeatedly validated as true.

The most recent, and perhaps most striking, example of this is the news that a Saudi Arabian ambassador has been elected as Chair of the Commission on the Status of Women, a decision that was met with no resistance from the other members of the UN.

That’s right. The same global powers that try to virtue signal about a variety of social issues just put in power one of the most gender-restrictive regimes in the world.

Hillel Neuer, an international human rights lawyer, highlighted the paradoxical situation we are currently facing:

Champions of the UN in 2024:
🇨🇳 China sits on the UN Human Rights Council
🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia chairs the UN Women’s Rights Commission
🇮🇷 Islamic Republic of Iran chairs the UN Disarmament Commission

It seems that there is no limit to insanity these days.

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