WHO WATCH: Eighth Meeting of the Working Group on Amendments to the IHR | Apr. 22

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‘The eighth meeting of the WGIHR will be held from 22-26 April 2024.

‘The opening plenary session, which will begin at 9:30 CEST on Monday, 22 April, will be publicly webcast. As agreed by the WGIHR, it will be open to WHO Member States, Associate Members and regional economic integration organizations, as well as to relevant stakeholders. During this session, stakeholders will be invited to deliver their interventions (Agenda Item 1: Opening and Adoption of the Agenda).

‘The WGIHR will then hold a drafting session to negotiate the full suite of the proposed Bureau’s text. This session will be held with attendance limited to WHO Member States; Associate Members; regional economic integration organizations; the Holy See and Liechtenstein as States Parties to the IHR that are not Member States of WHO; and the Observer Delegation of Palestine.

‘This is expected to be the final WGIHR meeting ahead of the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly in May 2024.

‘The closing plenary of the WGIHR8, expected to be held on the afternoon of Friday, 26 April 2024, will be open and publicly webcast. During this session, the WGIHR will discuss the report of the meeting.’

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