A Developers Journey: Creating A Pomodoro Task Manager With Flutter And Firebase #mobiledev #bloc

5 months ago

In this video, I break down Task Master, a Pomodoro timer and task manager app I built with Flutter and Firebase. I will teach you two big topics that you can use to create your own apps or to recreate this app.

The First Topic: The BloC Pattern

The BLoC pattern is an event-based pattern to help developers manage state in their flutter apps. BLoC stands for Business Logic Component. The main idea of BLoC is to separate the business logic from the UI. This means the UI can react to a change in state rather than create the change in state. The BLoC pattern is based on streams in dart, where a stream is a continuous flow of data (or a continuous flow of events and states). In this video, we go over the widgets provided by bloc to help us in creating our apps.

- BlocProvider
- BlocListener
- BlocBuilder

The Second Topic: Real-time Updates With Cloud Firestore

Cloud Firestore provides an easy-to-use method of adding real-time updates to your app. All it takes is subscribing to the collection you want to get updates for, and any time the collection changes, update your UI.

Thank you all for watching!

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