Corrupt Judge recap Part 1

5 months ago

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Sgt. Randle Ballenger

Welcome back to another shields of shame video. Today's video was submitted by viewer Kyle Joslin, a self-styled government watchdog from the YouTube channel L JAWS. Please take a moment to give him the credit he deserves.

On October 20, 2022 police responded to a 911 call from a judge who had a man held at gunpoint. The man, Kyle Joslin, was simply standing in the back of his pickup truck with a sign that read Judge John Rollins is a thug that does not know the law and states the Supreme Court case State V Hanapole. In State v. Hanapole the South Carolina Supreme Court ruled that the trial court should have directed a verdict in favor of several protesters who were charged with violating the Statute, but as to whom there was no evidence they "used vulgar or obscene language or conducted themselves in a disorderly or boisterous manner.
Kyle was peacefully protesting standing in his truck with a sign that was critical of Judge Rollins. This activity is protected under the first amendment of the United States constitution. Even if the sign is offensive, it is free speech and expression. The incredible part of this entire story is how corrupt the judge and cops are, watch as they form a bond and gang up on Kyle. Please let me know what you think of this interaction in the comments below. Thank you

Kyle Joslin, a self-styled government watchdog, encountered a Landrum City police officer violating state law regarding window tint on a city vehicle. Joslin sought a summons from the municipal judge, John Rollins, who refused his request during a court session. Joslin then picketed near Rollins' office, criticizing his performance. Later, when Rollins encountered Joslin on a public street, Rollins became hostile, called 911, and eventually assaulted Joslin at gunpoint. Rollins subsequently sought a restraining order against Joslin. This incident raises concerns about judicial conduct and misuse of authority.

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