Turning Food Truck Dreams Into Reality with Trailer King Builders | Owners & Operators

10 months ago

Owners & Operators hits the road to head down south to Houston, Texas to get an inside look at Trailer King Builders, a major food truck manufacturer responsible for putting 300 food trucks on the road each year!

Host James Webster sits down with its co-founder, Patrick Bolanos to go behind the scenes into what makes it possible to bring your favorite food truck to life!

You'll learn:
❇️ All the intricate details that go into creating a custom food truck.
❇️ The specialized labor required to install everything a food truck could ever need.
❇️ How Trailer King Builders can take one entrepreneur's dream and turn it into a reality.
❇️ and more!

🎥 If you or someone you know is interested in being featured in Owners and Operators, please email us at OwnersandOperators@ROK.biz or click the link ➡️ https://www.rok.biz/owners-operators/

🚚 To learn more about Trailer King Builders, please visit their website: https://trailerkingbuilders.com/

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