always wondeing 🤔 💭 after was mentioned 🗣️ to me and sister & mother early 2000’s at place another

7 months ago

always wondeing 🤔 💭 after was mentioned 🗣️ to me and sister & mother early 2000’s at place another person 👤in the confusion happened day that’s another male 👤 made complain beliefs just his mouth 🗣️ against this very young female that’s time and male still alive been long time if no ‘rest in peace’ i belief you or were others ❓ or no you all know no me just my mouth look 👀 everything did and doing now continue 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ 🎆 Felix año, 2024 🎇 sad all bad things happened in our country 🇺🇸 & our world 🌎 and is comin

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