The First Step to Spiritual Progress: Balancing Your Root Chakra

1 month ago

Here I talk about the first step you must follow to progress spiritually and this is to balance the root chakra.

If you have an unbalanced root chakra, you will have excessive fear, anxiety, and depression. You will always be attacked by energy vampires and always be out of alignment, panicking, and in a state of fear.

For you to manifest your desired reality, you must first let go of all fear and trauma that you are holding inside. And this happens only when you balance your root chakra.

The root chakra is the energy center or energy point that is located at the base of your spine. There are 7 energy centers - 7 chakras, that correlate to 7 colors, and 7 frequencies - solfeggio frequencies. So the first step to transcending to a higher vibration is to balance your root chakra, the first energy center.

The easiest way to balance your root chakra is to spend time in nature. Being around trees and nature can remove the negative energy that you have absorbed.

If you are an empath who always absorbs other people's energy, just ground yourself in nature. Another way is to implement breathworks, meditation, and letting go techniques.

Throughout the day, whenever you feel intense emotions, just take a deep breath hold it in, and let it out. And when you let it out visualize all your pain and trauma leaving along with the breath. This is essentially letting go

Watch this video to learn how to let go:

Balancing the root chakra is key to transcending to a higher vibrational state and manifesting your desires. So ground yourself, and balance your root chakra, and make manifesting much easier.

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