What is the true story of the black stone | Hajr Aswad ki sachi kahani

9 months ago

@islamichistory #truestoryhajraswad #blackstone #religiousartifact #sacredshrine #meeca

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders, today in this video session of question and answers, we are answering of a question, that What is the true story of the black stone in Mecca? Hajr Aswad ki sachi kahani

All religions around the globe have their sacred places and relics that are of the highest value in their religion. Islam also has relics and sacred sites that are religious significance to Muslims. Installed in the eastern corner of the Holy Kaaba, The Black Stone also known as Hajr e Aswad is an Islamic relic that hold significant value for Muslims worldwide.

The real history of the Black Stone of Mecca is largely unknown, but a number of legends are associated with the relic. The stone was likely revered by pre-Islamic religious traditions, although no written record of this history exists. Within Islam, legend holds that the stone dates back to the time of Adam and Eve.
According to Islamic sources, 'The stone that came down from Paradise was white as milk, but it turned black because of humans touching it and requesting forgiveness from God.

We pray to Allah almighty to give us permission for read, understand and follow Quran, tafseer and hadidth. Ameen

Allah Hafiz

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