Shana M. "Scarlett" O'Hara - G.I. JOE Classified Retro Card - Unboxing & Review

10 months ago

Once again we have another of the newest Retro Card Back G.I. Joe Classified figures, this time Scarlett the first of the female Joe Team members. Based on her original toy appearance, Retro Scarlett wipes the floor with her first Classified release figure. A great purchase for your collection.

Used the ending theme for G.I. Joe original animated series.

#Scarlett #shanamohara #shanamscarlettohara #Retorcardback #GIjoeclassifiedretro #gijoe #arealamericanhero #cobra #cobratheenemy #yojoe #gijoearealamericanhero #gijoelcassified #gijoeclassifiedseries

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