04.21.24 "I Wonder How Holy Spirit is Going to Solve This?"

1 month ago

In the wonderful (my opinion) television series based on the New Testament named *The Chosen,* there was a scene I loved which was truly a demonstration of Jesus’ faith. The apostles are very concerned that they have run out of money, and that they have almost no food to eat. They bring their concerns to Jesus who, of course, has no concern at all. After asking a few questions about the situation, Jesus merely shrugs and says with a wide eyed attitude of excitement, something like, “Well, I wonder how the Father is going to solve this?”

I found that attitude useful for myself this week as I encountered several situations in which I could see no solution. There appeared to be things I needed that I did not know how to provide. We ACIM students tend to think more of Holy Spirit providing worldly needs and not God the Father. I always remember this quotation from ACIM, "Only the Holy Spirit knows what you need. For He will give you all things that do not block the way to light. ... In time He gives you all the things that you need have and will renew them as long as you have need of them." (OrEd.Tx.12.70)

One by one all my problem situations began to resolve in unique ways which I could not have predicted. My job was just to continue to have faith. However it was not only faith I found. I found the ability to look at each problem situation with wide eyed excitement as I thought, “Well, I wonder how Holy Spirit is going to solve this?"

27 min.

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