Live Broadcast: Hear the Voice of the Lord Speak

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Seek me while I may be found, saith the Lord. Tell My people I shall collapse the ways of satan. They shall not hold. They shall not. I am Lord. Lord of all. Hear My voice all ye people who weep and mourn. Joy comes in the morning. Let My joy be your strength. Yes, those who mourn and weep, your sorrow shall be turned to joy. Be still and know I am God, the Almighty. Be still and do not worry about money. Do not worry about carnal things. I shall provide to My children. I promise to supply all your needs. I am not slack in My promises. I shall provide. I am God of provision. Love Me with your whole heart. Do not fear man. Perfect love casteth out all fear. ALL fear. Hear Me speak, those that fear men instead of God. You are on a slippery slope. Put Me first. You are to please Me, and not men. Men can do nothing to you but kill the mortal body, not your soul. Your soul belongs to Me. Hear my voice. Love Me with your whole heart. Do not give into the lust of the flesh. Do not compare. Let go of yourselves and love as I love, thus saith the Lord of Hosts. Your Redeemer.


Tell My people death and destruction come near to you. O ye people of the United States. Caught unawares because of your closeness with the enemy and not to Me. O, United States, your sin, great sin has distanced you from Me, from My presence. Know ye not that I save and deliver and restore? Know ye not these things? Great idolatry lurks in the darkness, but I see all. I see things openly for I am everywhere. There is no fooling or tricking Me, O, United States. Your corrupt government shall fall. You cannot rule without wickedness. It is not possible. That is why I must come and restore the Kingdom of God in this nation. O, United States, turn back from idolatry and seducing spirits of the flesh. They will not fulfill. They bring damnation to your souls. Eternal damnation. Hear Me, O, United States. Turn back. Judgment is at your door. Great things shall happen. Those who are in a state of iniquity. Turn back to My love, O United States, for My love is great and it is enough for you, saith the Lord.


I am here to give you a message, a message for My people. Death, destruction come to those who do not heed My voice, who are far from Me. Do not fear, children. Do no fear what man can do. You must fear God. Let go of your pretenses. Your ideas that don’t matter. My ways are greater, thus saith the Lord. My ways are greater. My ways are higher. Go forth children into this world and preach the gospel to every creature. But what holds you back? Greed, impurity, entertainment. Do you near the voice of the Lord speak through My mouthpiece? Let your wicked ways go. Repent. Turn away from it, from idolatry, from self-will that traps you. You are ensnared in your own trap. Hear Me now. Get out from among the weed and tares. Purify your heart and mind. Consecrate yourselves. Be mine again. Be acceptable in My sight through lowliness, through righteousness of faith. Trust, children. Trust in My ways and come back to My love, saith the Lord of Hosts, your Redeemer.

Scriptural Reference
John 14

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