The Speaking House/ EDUCATION for the whole human- SPIRIT, HEART-MIND, BODY

2 months ago

The outline for our New Earth schools: self-directed resonance learning in the prepared environment :

After 35 years of extensive research and experience as a teacher of children aged 3+, The Speaking House is my solution to our current predicament of how to emerge as New Earth Humans, moving beyond the old CABAL/MATRIX structures of fear-inducing controlled education.

The Speaking House: EDUCATION for the whole human- SPIRIT, HEART-MIND, BODY


Children need to retain, discover, expand and unfold their spiritual essence into this earthly dimensional realm.

The Speaking House education cultivates an atmosphere of discovery from within.
Each person connects with their own, `christ consciousness’, the spirit within, cultivating knowledge through spiritual connectivity, removing the need for top-down authoritarian structures and placing it back onto self-directed experiential learning in the prepared environment.

True Education Should be the process of enabling education for the whole human- SPIRIT, HEART-MIND, BODY through Self-directed :
play and lateral thinking

The Speaking House enables:

Auto-didactic learning (you work it out yourself - supported by adults and the environment)
Resonance-based learning
(your spirit chooses your path from the rich environment and
makes contractual agreements which can be reassessed)
Self-directed curricula based upon your spirit and natural talents,
Deep connection of spirit, heart, mind and body,
Fine-tuned perceptive awareness of self and others.
Attuned atmospheric sensitivity.
Intolerance to control and command without justification
Fresh, innovative thinking, and solutions
Self-fulfilment and happiness in the process of learning
Pleasure and co-operation with your peers.
Enabling more of the divine Creator power to manifest into the earthly plane.

Traditional Schooling uses

: same-patterned groups in activities & subjects
: class learning ( everyone must learn the same thing at the same time, regardless of development or interest)
: teacher-directed classes for all students

This leads to
: hive-mind conditioning (Perfect for A.l. take over)
: easy acceptance of authority and hierarchy
: suppression of natural intuition and interest.
: acceptance of pre-existing models (stagnation)
: suppression of innovation and discovery (control)
: acceptance of dominant paradigm (in philosophy, sciences and religion).
: induces societal conformity (controllability)
: allows top-down control


Adults support the children's learning, not direct it.
Children and adult ask questions of each other.
Children 'contract' with each other, and the adults, - for completion of experimental projects.
Nature is used experientially in its rawest form in huge diversity.
Learning is directly provided by the deep richness in the physical environment.*
Co-operation and Mutual Benefit in Apprenticeships

Learning Principles:
‘Self-direction’ is:
the self knows (divine in human)
The self is kept clear, (spirit-soul self has responsibility to keep clear of entity and attachment of - energy).
the self has its own timing (regardles of Earth age)

operating in the Prepared Environment,
(Richly-structured environments of structured and unstructured materials for diverse experimentation, experience and investigative creative play.)

*consisting of four main resource groups:
Diversely- talented human beings (HUMAN RESOURCES)
Clarity of communication and emotional atmosphere (EMOTIONAL RESOURCE)
Materials of all types, accessible for use with recommendations of use/experimentation (MATERIALRESOURCES)
:Tertiary, (such as books, research, information, complex things, books and IT.)
:Measuring devices of all kinds
Transformative spaces in which to experiment
(internal and external SPATIAL RESOURCE )

There are Three layers to the geographical/organisational structure:

Small local village school
(consisting of family homes and a shared structure for up to sixty children)
County school (for up to 3000 children)
State Universities integrated Apprenticeship With Businesses
(University-level learning based upon serial contractual apprenticeships for up to 10000 young adults)

(Much of the goodness contained within this arises from study of historically excellent alternative schools:
Pestalozzi (Quito), Steiner, Montessori, Emilio Reggio, Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars (TEkOS))
Books: "From Duty to Joy” :The Handbook for Children’s 5- D Learning, Dr. Isabel Aimee

The Source Energy Hand Book to Activating Your Creativity, Dr. Isabel Aimee

You can message me to book a personal session, and find my books on the Books and Courses page of my website

I work with groups of adults to aid harmony and creativity, and visit schools to activate children's creative potential.
I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £50 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

Below is the link to my INSPIRITION music :
Please feel free to donate here via XRP to my wallet address
37365 is the destination tag

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