Israel And Bible Prophecy Pt. 2-NOW THE END BEGINS-APRIL 22 2024

10 months ago

On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we open our King James Bibles to look at Israel, the glory of God, and Jerusalem, the city of the great King. Unto the Jews were committed the 'oracles of God', Jesus is the King of the Jews, and His word prophecies about His land in the last days. In our study, we will come across scripture that will tell us the types of events related to Israel that will be a fulfillment of Bible prophecy, and things that happen to Israel as they do to any other nation. Here at the end of the Church Age, we are so close to the Rapture, (and so excited to fly), that we can tend to 'help God out' a little bit, and push the hands of His clock forward. But that won't work! On this episode, we look at the prophecies related to Israel in the end times and the requirements that must be met before God's clock can advance. By knowing the difference between the prophetic and the profane, (common events not related to scripture), it can help you to be ready for when the words of the prophets truly begin to come to pass. Tonight's Bible study is Part #2 in a series.

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