The D.U.M.B.'s in Washington Exposed 2021. Pt.#1

3 months ago

One Must See Documentary-Expose, that exposes the dark underbelly of the Washington Cabal in graphic detail. The story that had to be keep from the press, because it was so dam horrific. Led by America's Special Forces, with the help of Contractors all involved in going secretly underground. Risking their lives in the depths of living hell, with the full support of our 45th President in a operation rescue. Done covertly to rid our country from the ominous looming underground menace, in a battle of Good vs Evil that our bravest and finest performed in earnest. Paying dearly in mind body heart & soul, who those that survived will never again be made completely whole. God bless them all for their service & dedication, to this great country in the on going elimination of it's greatest infestation. Plus in saving countless used & abused children. PERIOD!!!

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