Over Route Of Roosevelt Parade In An Automobile (1903 Original Black & White Film)

10 months ago

Step back in time to 1903 with this captivating black and white film documenting the arrival parade route of President Theodore Roosevelt. Shot just before the 3 pm parade on Tuesday, May 12, 1903, the film showcases street and building decorations, as well as the enthusiastic crowds lining the streets of downtown San Francisco. Follow the journey as the automobile travels northwest up Third Street, turning northeast onto Market Street, then north onto Montgomery Street, capturing iconic landmarks along the way. Experience a slice of history with scene-by-scene descriptions, including notable buildings and street scenes of the era. Don't miss this rare glimpse into the past!

Source :
Miles, H. J., American Mutoscope And Biograph Company, Paper Print Collection & Niver. (1903) Over route of Roosevelt parade in an automobile. United States: American Mutoscope and Biograph Company. [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/00694417

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