Best Response we all want hear, when comes to helping Ukraine.

9 months ago

During his time as president, Donald #Trump held back around $400 million in aid that had been approved by Congress to help Ukraine. Some people thought Trump was using the aid as leverage to get Ukraine to do what he wanted.
Trump said he held back the aid because he was worried about corruption in Ukraine and wanted other countries to pitch in too. But others said he was just trying to pressure Ukraine into helping him politically.

Eventually, after a lot of back-and-forth, the aid was given to Ukraine. But the whole situation led to Trump being impeached by the House of Representatives, which means they formally accused him of doing something wrong. However, he was later found not guilty by the Senate, so he stayed in office.

It's is Funny that, At that time TRUMP was misunderstooded for not aiding Ukraine

Why do you think Biden aided Ukraine?

Reposting Funny clip found on internet.

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