Michelle Obama Goes Shopping Unnoticed In A St. Louis Target Store

5 months ago

Lefties SQUEEING Over Michelle Obama Shopping at Target Without Being Recognized is SO Telling: The Left is very excited that Michelle Obama took time from her busy schedule being super wealthy and elite to shop with the little people at Target. Better yet, she was able to shop without being recognized because she's just like the rest of us, minus the whole Secret Service detail and exorbitant wealth. When I watched this video I actually laughed because she's trying so hard not to show us how normal she is while reminding everyone she's got a book for sale. Because ultimately that's what this was all about. Selling her book. Our pals who vote blue are such easy marks. Then again, if they weren't they wouldn't vote for Democrats in the first place so there's that.

Michelle Obama goes shopping unnoticed in a St. Louis Target store. Notice how many books have NOT SOLD. But awwww, she signed them for the three or so people who buy it once it goes on sale. What a giver. Lady hops out of 4 car secret service motorcade in front of Target sneaks in with an entire security detail and camera crew and goes unnoticed LOL - Good lord you are an imbecile. 'See, she's just like us!!!' https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/GLprOhtWYAA0-oI.mp4 -- Totally. "Unnoticed" my ass… Keep in mind, this comes from the same party that planned Joe Biden's visit to a Wawa DOWN TO THE TIP they gave the cashier. Dude has a lot of time on his hands, apparently. *cough cough* https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/GLpYr_xXgAAv89V.mp4 -- Not even a little bit BUT it's fun to point and laugh.

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