UK: Tyranny, Fraud, and Force

2 months ago

'All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.' George Orwell.

The first time I included this quote in a speech was in the European Parliament in July 2023, because like you, I know it may get a lot darker before it gets better. It will only get better, and we will only achieve what we want and NEED to achieve if we unite!

'They' do not want us to realise the power and light we have within us, because when we shine bright, that light shines on their lies and they are exposed. And we are always stronger together, united as one!

I'm ready for it, are you?!

Massive thanks to Charlie Pondriche, what a powerful piece he's put together, after the Excess Deaths debate in UK Parliament led by Andrew Bridgen MP on 18/4/24.

Give Charlie a follow on Twitter! @ChPondriche


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