280 | Joshua Cutchin | Where the Footprints End | Volume 01: Folklore

10 months ago

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This is easily one of my favorite conversations with one of my absolute favorite authors!

Prior to pursuing his dream of becoming a full-time author and musician in 2015, Joshua Cutchin served as Public Affairs Director of the University of Georgia Hugh Hodgson School of Music for three years. During his tenure at UGA, Joshua authored over one hundred articles, press releases, and blog posts.In addition to appearing in local media, his press releases have also been referenced and distributed by such media outlets as the Associated Press and National Public Radio. Before his time at UGA, Joshua provided content for the Georgia Symphony Orchestra (Marietta, GA), Athens Banner-Herald (Athens, GA), Walton Tribune (Monroe, GA), and Observer News Enterprise (Newton, NC).

Joshua Cutchin has appeared on countless paranormal programs discussing his work, including Coast to Coast AM, Mysterious Universe, Binnall of America, Expanded Perspectives, Radio Misterioso, and the Gralien Report.

He is the author of seven critically-acclaimed books: 2015's A Trojan Feast: The Food and Drink Offerings of Aliens, Faeries, and Sasquatch (translated into Spanish as Banquete Troyano); 2016's The Brimstone Deceit: An In-Depth Examination of Supernatural Scents, Otherworldly Odors, & Monstrous Miasmas; 2018's Thieves in the Night: A Brief History of Supernatural Child Abductions; and 2020's Where the Footprints End: High Strangeness and the Bigfoot Phenomenon, Volumes I & II, with Timothy Renner. In 2022, he released his two-part masterwork: Ecology of Souls: A New Mythology of Death & the Paranormal.

​2023 saw the release of both his curated essay collection Fairy Films: Wee Folk on the Big Screen and his first work of fiction, the novel Them Old Ways Never Died. That same year, Joshua also

released The Ufology Tarot with Miguel Romero, Greg Bishop, Susan Demeter, and David Metcalfe, a magical art project celebrating the discipline's prominent thinkers. Joshua provided several card descriptions and served as editor and layout designer for the accompanying art book​

Joshua's writing is also featured in The Singular Fortean Society's Yuletide Guide to High Strangeness (2023), Deep Weird (2023), Peach State Monsters (2021), Wood Knocks: Vol. 3 (2018), Don't Look Behind You (2018), and UFOs: Reframing the Debate (2017). Excerpts of his work have appeared in Fortean Times and Edge Science. He also serves as full-time script writer and executive producer for the popular YouTube channel What Lurks Beneath.


Find all things Joshua Cutchin | https://www.joshuacutchin.com/

Teaching Spring 2024 in the Kosmos Institute's Mastery Series| https://www.joshuacutchin.com/single-post/teaching-spring-2024-in-the-kosmos-institute-s-mastery-series

Timothy Renner's Strange Familiars | https://www.strangefamiliars.com/

Funky Woo Woo playlist | https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6wRaVsmyqGzZyaQkIvimSw?si=275acdfdddb2400b

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