Cold War 2: US officials call to overthrow China's gov't, expand military budget to $1.4 trillion

10 months ago

A major Congress member and top former Trump administration official published an article calling to overthrow China's government. They boasted that the US is waging a bipartisan new cold war, backed by both Republicans and Democrats, while proposing a military budget of $1.4 trillion per year. Ben Norton debunks the deceptions of the warmongers in Washington.

CIA director calls China biggest ‘threat’, says Ukraine war benefits US geopolitically and economically:

0:00 Intro
1:07 2024 election
1:59 Council on Foreign Relations & CIA
3:30 Matt Pottinger & Mike Gallagher
5:07 US new cold war on China
8:21 Deceptively distorting Xi Jinping's speeches
12:50 Information warfare
16:00 Colonialism
17:32 Misquoting Chinese officials
20:29 Militarization of Asia
21:49 $1.37 trillion military budget
22:44 US domination of Asia
24:51 Recruit "cold warriors"
26:44 Regime change: Rollback, not just containment
28:05 Manufacturing consent for war
29:21 Outro

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